野牛 reduce/reduce 冲突

Bison reduce/reduce conflicts


    string *s;
    float num;
%token div_token mod_token sqrt_token it_token abs_token
%token <num> num_token 
%token <s> Stampa
%type <num> E

%left '+' '-'
%left '*' '/' div_token mod_token
%left UMINUS
%left abs_token sqrt_token


Program: Program Line '\n'   { }
| Line  '\n' { }

Line: Stampa    {cout<<*<<endl;}
| E         {cout<<<<endl; broj = ;}
| it_token      {cout<<broj<<endl;}

E: E '+' E {$$ =  + ;}
| E '-' E {$$ =  - ;}
| E '*' E {$$ =  * ;}
| E '/' E {if(!=0) 
              $$ =  / ;
              yyerror("Deljenje nulom");
| mod_token E E {$$ = (float)((int) % (int));}
| div_token E E {$$ = (float)((int)( / ));}
| sqrt_token E  { $$ = sqrt(); }
| '(' E ')' {$$=;}
| abs_token E { $$ = abs();}
| '-' E %prec UMINUS {$$=-;}
| num_token {$$ = ;}

现在,bison 发现了 8 个 reduce/reduce 冲突。当我删除行

| '-' E %prec UMINUS {$$=-;}

有none。我认为优先级和关联 属性 定义明确。谁能告诉我如何解决冲突?

Now, bison found 8 reduce/reduce conflicts. When I delete line

| '-' E %prec UMINUS {$$=-;}

there are none. I think priorities and associative property are well defined. Can someone tell me how to resolve conflicts?


      string *s;
      float num;
%token div_token mod_token sqrt_token it_token abs_token
%token <num> num_token 
%token <s> Stampa
%type <num> E

%left '+' '-'
%left '*' '/' div_token mod_token
%left UMINUS
%left abs_token sqrt_token


Program: Program Line '\n'   { }
| Line  '\n' { }

Line: Stampa    {cout<<*<<endl;}
| E         {cout<<<<endl; broj = ;}
| it_token      {cout<<broj<<endl;}

E: E '+' E {$$ =  + ;}
| E '-' E {$$ =  - ;}
| E '*' E {$$ =  * ;}
| E '/' E {if(!=0) 
                $$ =  / ;
                yyerror("Deljenje nulom");
| E mod_token E {$$ = (float)((int) % (int));}
| E div_token E {$$ = (float)((int)( / ));}
| sqrt_token E  { $$ = sqrt(); }
| '(' E ')' {$$=;}
| abs_token E { $$ = abs();}
| '-' %prec UMINUS E {$$=-;}
| num_token {$$ = ;}


| E mod_token E {$$ = (float)((int) % (int));}
| E div_token E {$$ = (float)((int)( / ));}


| '-' %prec UMINUS E {$$=-;}

您可以看到与产生 xyz.output:

的 bison 选项 -v 的冲突
state 35

    6 E: E . '+' E
    7  | E . '-' E
    7  | E '-' E .
    8  | E . '*' E
    9  | E . '/' E
   15  | '-' E 


    div_token   reduce using rule 7 (E)
    div_token   [reduce using rule 15 (E)]
    mod_token   reduce using rule 7 (E)
    mod_token   [reduce using rule 15 (E)]
    sqrt_token  reduce using rule 7 (E)
    sqrt_token  [reduce using rule 15 (E)]
    abs_token   reduce using rule 7 (E)
    abs_token   [reduce using rule 15 (E)]
    num_token   reduce using rule 7 (E)
    num_token   [reduce using rule 15 (E)]
    '+'         reduce using rule 7 (E)
    '+'         [reduce using rule 15 (E)]
    '-'         reduce using rule 7 (E)
    '-'         [reduce using rule 15 (E)]
    '*'         reduce using rule 15 (E)
    '/'         reduce using rule 15 (E)
    '\n'        reduce using rule 15 (E)
    '('         reduce using rule 7 (E)
    '('         [reduce using rule 15 (E)]
    ')'         reduce using rule 15 (E)
    $default    reduce using rule 7 (E)

div_tokenmod_token 上的运算符缩减值得怀疑。语法的歧义是由应用于两个表达式 E.



也许您希望保留前缀 div 和 mod 运算符。如果是这样,您需要消除语法歧义。一种可能的解决方案是:

| mod_token F F {$$ = (float)((int) % (int));}
| div_token F F {$$ = (float)((int)( / ));}
| F
F: '(' E ')' {$$=;}
| sqrt_token E  { $$ = sqrt(); }
| abs_token E { $$ = abs();}
| '-' %prec UMINUS E {$$=-;}
| num_token {$$ = ;}


%type <num> E F

优先关系仅用于解决shift/reduce 冲突。它们不能用于解决 reduce/reduce 冲突,因为优先级比较总是在 production(可以减少)和 token 之间(可以移动)。


div 7 - 3 - 2

(假设 div 是你写 div_token 的方式)。

每个 - 可以是中缀减法运算符或前缀否定运算符。在这种情况下,由于 div 后面必须正好跟两个表达式,因此恰好有一个减号必须是中缀。但是哪个?是吗

div (7-3) (-2)

div (7) (-3-2)

当然,其他情况也是可能的。如果表达式是 div 7 - 3 - 2 a,则唯一有效的解析将是 div ((7-3)-2) 8,而如果表达式是 div div 7 - 3 - 2,则解析必须是 div (div 7 (-3)) (-2)

您可以通过让 bison 使用 -v 选项创建解析报告并查看生成的 .output 文件来更深入地了解冲突。根据您的语法,该报告显示 reduce/reduce 冲突处于状态 35,即:

State 35

    6 E: E . '+' E
    7  | E . '-' E
    7  | E '-' E .
    8  | E . '*' E
    9  | E . '/' E
   15  | '-' E .

    div_token   reduce using rule 7 (E)
    div_token   [reduce using rule 15 (E)]

(actions truncated for space)

可能的减少对应LR项末尾有.,分别是E '-' E .'-' E .。对于大多数(但不是全部)前瞻标记,这些减少中的任何一个都是可能的。 (如果 * 是先行字符,* 优先于 E: E '-' E 规则排除了第一次减少的可能性;类似地 /。)
