
ignore spaces after particular column no


61684 376 23 106 38695633 1 0 0 -1 /C/Program Files (x86)/ 16704 root;TrustedInstaller@NT:SERVICE root;TrustedInstaller@NT:SERVICE 0 1407331175 1407331175 1247541608
8634 416 13 86 574126 1 0 0 -1 /E/KYCImages/ 16832 root;kycfinal@CGKYCAPP03 root;None@CGKYCAPP03 0 1406018846 1406018846 1352415392
60971 472 22 86 38613076 1 0 0 -1 /E/KYCwebsvc binaries/ 16832 root;kycfinal@CGKYCAPP03 root;None@CGKYCAPP03 0 1390829495 1390829495 1353370744
1 416 10 86 1 1 0 0 -1 /E/KycApp/ 16832 root;kycfinal@CGKYCAPP03 root;None@CGKYCAPP03 0 1411465772 1411465772 1351291187


awk 'BEGIN{FPAT = "([^ ]+)|(\"[^\"]+\")"}{print }' | awk '!~/^\/\./' | sort -u | sed -e 's/\,//g' | perl -p00e 's/\n(?!\Z)/;/g' filename



但是我需要从 $10 开始输出直到再次遇到“/”,基本上我想忽略第 10 列中的任何空格直到遇到“/”。 可能吗?


/C/Program Files (x86)/;/E/KycApp/;/E/KYCImages/;/E/KycServices/;/E/KYCwebsvc binaries/


awk 'BEGIN{ FPAT="/[^/]+/[^/]+/"; PROCINFO["sorted_in"]="@ind_str_asc"; IGNORECASE = 1 }
     { a[] }END{ for(i in a) r=(r!="")? r";"i : i; print r }' filename

输出(没有 /E/KycServices/; - 因为它不在您的输入范围内):

/C/Program Files (x86)/;/E/KycApp/;/E/KYCImages/;/E/KYCwebsvc binaries/

也尝试在单个 awk 中关注。

awk '{match([=10=],/\/.*\//);VAL=VAL?VAL ORS substr([=10=],RSTART,RLENGTH):substr([=10=],RSTART,RLENGTH)} END{num=split(VAL, array,"\n");for(i=1;i<=num;i++){printf("%s%s",array[i],i==num?"":";")};print""}'  Input_file



awk '{
        VAL=VAL?VAL ORS substr([=11=],RSTART,RLENGTH):substr([=11=],RSTART,RLENGTH)
                num=split(VAL, array,"\n");
    '    Input_file

EDIT2: 现在也在非单行形式的解决方案中添加代码解释。

awk '{
        match([=12=],/\/.*\//); ##Using match functionality of awk which will match regex to find the string in a line from / to \, note I am escaping them here too.
        VAL=VAL?VAL ORS substr([=12=],RSTART,RLENGTH):substr([=12=],RSTART,RLENGTH) ##creating a variable named VAL here which will concatenate its own value if more than one occurrence are there. Also RSTART and RSTART are the variables of built-in awk which will be having values once a match has TRUE value which it confirms once a regex match is found in a line.
        END{ ##Starting this block here.
                num=split(VAL, array,"\n");##creating an variable num whose value will be number of elements in array named array, split is a built-in keyword of awk which will create an array with a defined delimiter, here it is new line.
                for(i=1;i<=num;i++){ ##Starting a for loop here whose value will go till num value from i variable value 1 to till num.
                                        printf("%s%s",array[i],i==num?"":";") ##printing the array value whose index is variable i and second string it is printing is semi colon, there a condition is there if i value is equal to num then print null else print a semi colon.
                print"" ##print NULL value to print a new line.
    '  Input_file    ###Mentioning the Input_file here.