由于连接“...被远程主机强行关闭”,Visual SVN 操作在 90% 的时间内无法连接

Visual SVN Operations Fail to Connect 90% of the Time Due to a Connection Being "...forcibly closed by the remote host"

我是 运行 Windows Server 2012 Standard(64 位)上的 Visual SVN Server 3.6.0 版。

大约 10% 的时间我尝试在存储库上执行 commit/update,它工作得很好。其他 90% 的时间,commit/update 尝试大约 30 秒,然后超时并显示以下错误消息:

Error: Commit failed (details follow):
Error: Unable to connect to a repository at URL 'https://xxx.xx.xx.xxx:8443/svn/my_project/js'
Error: Error running context: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.

更奇怪的是,一旦我 commit/update 成功完成(通过简单地反复尝试),我就会有短暂的 window 时间让我的所有 commits/updates 将成功运行。然后最终它会再次失败一段时间,直到它决定再次工作。

我看到很多线程都提到了相同的错误消息 "An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host",但是其中 none 似乎遇到了这个特定问题。



  • 客户端和服务器端的防病毒软件损坏,
  • 防火墙或代理。

我无法确定是什么导致了您的错误 An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host。然而,错误的措辞应该是相当准确的——某些东西导致连接关闭。

I see a lot of threads mentioning the same error message "An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host", but none of them seem to be experiencing this particular issue.

我想您看到的关于此错误的大多数帖子都令人困惑。当用户向存储库(http 与 https)输入无效 URL 时,他可能会收到此特定错误。你的情况不同——你在 运行 操作中收到此错误。