Coq 如何定位和转换假设以证明它们是错误的?

Coq how to target and transform hypotheses to show that they're false?


然而,在这样做的过程中,我最终遇到了一个假设是 false/uninhabited,但不是字面上的 False(因此不能成为 [= =15=]战术)。


Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Require Export Coq.Bool.Bool.

Require Import Lists.List.
Import ListNotations.

Open Scope list_scope.
Open Scope nat_scope.

Fixpoint list_bool_eq (a : list bool) (b: list bool) : bool :=
  match (a, b) with
  | ([], []) => true
  | ([], _) => false
  | (_, []) => false
  | (true::a', true::b') => list_bool_eq a' b'
  | (false::a', false::b') => list_bool_eq a' b'
  | _ => false

Fixpoint length (a : list bool) : nat :=
  match a with
  | [] => O
  | _::a' => S (length a')

Theorem equal_implies_same_length : forall (a b : list bool) , (list_bool_eq a b) = true ->  (length a) = (length b).
induction a.
induction b.
simpl. reflexivity.

在此之后,coqide 显示的 "goal state"(正确的词是什么?)如下所示。

2 subgoals
a : bool
b : list bool
H : list_bool_eq [] (a :: b) = true
IHb : list_bool_eq [] b = true -> length [] = length b
length [] = length (a :: b)
length (a :: a0) = length b


Focus 1.
clear IHb.


1 subgoal
a : bool
b : list bool
H : list_bool_eq [] (a :: b) = true
length [] = length (a :: b)

对我们人类来说,length [] = length (a :: b) 显然是 false/uninhabited,但这没关系,因为 H : list_bool_eq [] (a :: b) = true 也是错误的。


我如何定位/"focus my attention from the perspective of Coq" 假设 H 以便我可以证明它无人居住。是否有大致类似于证明子弹 -, +, *, { ... } 的东西,它在我的证明中创建一个新的上下文,专门用于证明给定的假设是错误的?

如果你简化你的假设 (simpl in H),你会发现它等价于 false = true。到那时,您可以使用 easy 策略来完成目标,即使它们在句法上等同于 False,它也能够消除此类 "obvious" 的矛盾。事实上,您甚至不需要事先进行简化; easy应该强大到能自己搞清楚什么是矛盾的

(最好证明下面更强的结果:forall l1 l2, list_bool_eq l1 l2 = true <-> l1 = l2。)