RTC Jazz - 尝试使用 lscm 传递未解决的更改集消息

RTC Jazz - Unresolved change sets message trying to deliver using lscm

我正在尝试使用 RTC lscm CLI 工具将更改集从我的开发流(即从开发流工作区)提升到我的测试流。

当我尝试提升变更集时,90% 的时间我得到这样的结果:

[me@buildvm02 logs]$ lscm deliver -c 1802 -v -r https://mycompany.com:9443/jazz/ -u build@mycompany.com -P passw0rd -t "Dev Stream Workspace" -s "Test Stream"

Unresolved change sets:
Problem running 'deliver':
Unable to resolve change sets.

(郑重声明,我尝试使用像上面的 1802 这样的别名和更改集的 UUID 以下划线开头)


我在详细模式下尝试了 运行 lscm 并查看了文档,但没有任何帮助。公平地说,我什至不知道 "Unresolved change set" 是什么意思。这并不意味着找不到更改集,因为我用伪造的更改集 ID 模拟了命令,并且我收到一条正确的错误消息,指出更改集不存在。


看起来变更集 1802 是从“待定变更”视图应用补丁的结果。
你可以看一个例子in this thread "Reversing a work item with two change sets"

Right-click on CS2 in the History view and select "Reverse". This will add a pending patch to the Pending Changes view. Now you can either try to 'auto-resolve' the changes if nothing conflicts, otherwise you will have to manually merge the changes.
Whether it auto-resolves or if you manually merged the changes, it will appear as an unresolved pending change in the "Unresolved" folder. You can now check-in the file changes into a new change set. To help you can also name this new change set "reversal of CS2". You can then deliver it to the stream.

因此请检查您是否可以执行相同的操作并首先将 1802 作为新的更改集签入,然后交付它。