Doctrine where Query- 逻辑顺序 - Where(condition1 and [condition2 or condition3])

Doctrine where Query- Logical order - Where(condition1 and [condition2 or condition3])

我目前正在编写一个 Shopware 插件。 Shopware 使用 Doctrine 进行数据库操作。


Where(condition1 and [condition2 or condition3])


$builder = Shopware()->Models()->createQueryBuilder();
$builder->from('Shopware\Models\Order\Order', 'orders');
$builder->leftJoin('orders.details', 'details')
        ->leftJoin('orders.customer', 'customer')
        ->leftJoin('orders.shipping', 'shipping')
        ->leftJoin('orders.billing', 'billing');

//--> Here I would like to write an or statement.
// So that i get all the orders by
// where( = email) and [(shipping.zipCode = zip) or (billing.zipcode = zip)]
$builder->where(' = :email');
$builder->andWhere('(shipping.zipCode = :zipCode) orWhere (billing.zipCode = :zipCode)');

$builder->setParameter('email', $email);
$builder->setParameter('zipCode', $zip);
$builder->orderBy('', 'DESC');

$order = $builder->getQuery()->getResult($this->getResultMode());


$builder->where(' = :email');
$builder->andWhere('(shipping.zipCode = :zipCode OR billing.zipCode = :zipCode)')

除了单一条件,where 接受任何 形式的条件