为 class 未找到的情况提供隐式 reader/writer

Provided implicit reader/writer for case class not found

我正在尝试使用 Reactive Mongo 为 mongo 编写一个很好的通用持久性服务,并且我正在努力为我的记录提供隐式 reader/writer class child仁。这是代码。


abstract class Record {
  val _id: BSONObjectID = BSONObjectID.generate()


case class TestRecord() extends Record {}
  object TestRecord {
//    implicit object TestRecordWriter extends BSONDocumentWriter[TestRecord] {
//      def write(testRecord: TestRecord): BSONDocument = BSONDocument()
//    }
//    implicit object TestRecordReader extends BSONDocumentReader[TestRecord] {
//      def read(doc: BSONDocument): TestRecord = TestRecord()
//    }

    implicit def reader = Macros.reader[TestRecord]
    implicit def writer = Macros.writer[TestRecord]


class MongoPersistenceService[R <: Record] @Inject()()
                                                    (implicit ec: ExecutionContext, tag: ClassTag[R]) {

  val collectionName: String = tag.runtimeClass.getSimpleName

  def db: Future[DefaultDB] = MongoConnectionWrapper.getMongoConnection("mongodb://", "27017")

  def collection: Future[BSONCollection] = db.map(_.collection(collectionName))

  def persist(record: R): Future[Unit] = {
    collection.flatMap(_.insert(record)).map(_ => {})

  def read(id: BSONObjectID): Future[R] = {
    for {
      coll <- collection
      record <- coll.find(BSONDocument("_id" -> id)).one[R].mapTo[R]
    } yield record


import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global

class MongoPersistenceServiceSpec extends WordSpec with Matchers with BeforeAndAfter {
  val persistenceService = new MongoPersistenceService[TestRecord]()

    "persist" when {
      "called" should {
        "succeeds when passing a not persisted record" in {
          val testRecord = TestRecord()


          val persistedRecord = Await.result(persistenceService.read(testRecord._id), Duration(1000, "millis"))


Error:(33, 32) could not find implicit value for parameter writer: reactivemongo.bson.BSONDocumentWriter[R]
  collection.flatMap(_.insert(record)).map(_ => {})

Error:(33, 32) not enough arguments for method insert: (implicit writer: reactivemongo.bson.BSONDocumentWriter[R], implicit ec: scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext)scala.concurrent.Future[reactivemongo.api.commands.WriteResult].
  Unspecified value parameters writer, ec.
    collection.flatMap(_.insert(record)).map(_ => {})

Error:(39, 57) could not find implicit value for parameter reader: reactivemongo.bson.BSONDocumentReader[R]
  record <- coll.find(BSONDocument("_id" -> id)).one[R].mapTo[R]

Error:(39, 57) not enough arguments for method one: (implicit reader: reactivemongo.bson.BSONDocumentReader[R], implicit ec: scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext)scala.concurrent.Future[Option[R]].
  Unspecified value parameters reader, ec.
    record <- coll.find(BSONDocument("_id" -> id)).one[R].mapTo[R]

有人知道我可能遗漏了什么吗? 我还是 scala 的新手,所以帮我找到这里的问题。

我已经尝试编写自定义 BSONWriter/BSONReader 而不是此处提供的 BSONDocumentWriter/BSONDocumentReader 但没有成功。

您的 persist 函数无法访问您已经定义了那些隐式函数的事实。签名应该是这样的:

def persist(record: R)(implicit def writer: BSONDocumentWriter[R]): Future[Unit]

无论你在哪里调用 persist 并传递 TestRecord,都要确保隐式函数在范围内。

简而言之,Scala 不会在您的代码中到处搜索隐式。它们需要被纳入范围,要么通过导入,将它们作为参数传递,要么,正如我在这里建议的那样,through a context bound:

class MongoPersistenceService[R <: Record : BSONDocumentReader : BSONDocumentWriter]

这是 (a) 的一种简写形式,要求在使用特定 [=12] 构造 class 时可以找到隐式 BSONDocumentReader[R](和编写器) =],以及 (b) 将这些隐含函数引入 class 的实现范围内,以便它们可以隐式传递给其他方法,如 insert.

为了满足新要求 (a),您可能必须 import TestRecord._ 在测试中。