
plotting US heat map with text


Percent.Turnout  US.State
70               CA
80               NM
76               RI

我有美国 50 个州的每个州的数据。另外,US.State的状态缩写与函数state.abb


我想创建一张美国地图,其中每个州都印有 Percent.Turnout。此外,使用 ColorBrewer 包,我想根据相对于其他状态的 Percent.Turnout 为每个状态着色。

我对 ggplot 语法不是很熟悉,所以在 base R 中的建议将不胜感激(如果可行的话)

如果您想使用 ggplot2,那么您需要做的主要事情就是将州缩写列映射到小写的州全名(为此,您可以使用 state.name,但请务必在其上应用 tolower() 以获得正确的格式)。


# First, we need the ggplot2 library:
> library(ggplot2)
# We load the geospatial data for the states
# (there are more options to the map_data function, 
# if you are intrested in taking a look).
> states <- map_data("state")
# Here I'm creating a sample dataset like yours. 
# The dataset will have 2 columns: The region (or state)
# and a number that will represent the value that you
# want to plot (here the value is just the numerical order of the states).
> sim_data <- data.frame(region=unique(states$region), Percent.Turnout=match(unique(states$region), unique(states$region)))
# Then we merge our dataset with the geospatial data:
> sim_data_geo <- merge(states, sim_data, by="region")
# The following should give us the plot without the numbers: 
> qplot(long, lat, data=sim_data_geo, geom="polygon", fill=Percent.Turnout, group=group)


现在,您说您还想将值 Percent.Turnout 添加到地图中。在这里,我们需要找到各种状态的中心点。您可以根据我们上面检索到的地理空间数据(在 states 数据框中)进行计算,但结果看起来不会很令人印象深刻。值得庆幸的是,R 已经为我们计算了状态中心的值,我们可以利用它,如下所示:

# We'll use the state.center list to tell us where exactly
# the center of the state is.
> snames <- data.frame(region=tolower(state.name), long=state.center$x, lat=state.center$y)
# Then again, we need to join our original dataset 
# to get the value that should be printed at the center.
> snames <- merge(snames, sim_data, by="region")
# And finally, to put everything together: 
> ggplot(sim_data_geo, aes(long, lat)) + geom_polygon(aes(group=group, fill=Percent.Turnout)) + geom_text(data=snames, aes(long, lat, label=Percent.Turnout))
