
Can we tell class belongs to which school?

我查看了 Google 课堂课程文档。 https://developers.google.com/classroom/reference/rest/v1/courses。看起来整个 google 教室是相当灵活的。例如,student 和 teacher 没有严格的区别。好像也没有办法查询课程属于哪个学校,是吗?如果管理员设置任何人(任何 google 用户,不特定于域用户)都可以注册或成为教师。


Manage Teachers and Students:

Students and teachers are specific mappings between a user profile and a course, representing that user's role in the course. Designations of student and teacher are not global: a user can be assigned as a teacher for one course and a student in another. The designation "student" or "teacher" represents a set of permissions for a particular user in a particular course.

是的,没有学校名称 属性。