如何通过 interceptTestCase 更改 KotlinTest 中的测试对象属性

How to alter test object properties in KotlinTest via interceptTestCase

我正在尝试使用 interceptTestCase 方法为 KotlinTest 中的测试用例设置属性,如下所示:

class MyTest : ShouldSpec() {
    private val items = mutableListOf<String>()
    private var thing = 123

    override fun interceptTestCase(context: TestCaseContext, test: () -> Unit) {
        thing = 456
        println("Before test ${items.size} and ${thing}")
        println("After test ${items.size} and ${thing}")

    init {
        should("not work like this") {
            println("During test ${items.size} and ${thing}")


Before test 1 and 456

During test 0 and 123

After test 1 and 456

所以我所做的更改在测试用例中是不可见的。我应该如何在执行每个测试之前更改 属性?

您应该通过 TestCaseContext 访问当前规范。每个测试都有其单独的 Spec,例如:

override fun interceptTestCase(context: TestCaseContext, test: () -> Unit) {
    //                v--- casting down to the special Spec here.
    with(context.spec as MyTest) {
    //^--- using with function to take the `receiver` in lambda body

        items.add("foo") // --
                         //   |<--- update the context.spec properties
        thing = 456      // --

        println("Before test ${items.size} and ${thing}")
        println("After test ${items.size} and ${thing}")