通过 "id" 而不是对象索引获取 Ractive 数据

Getting Ractive data by, say, "id", rather than by the object index

假设我的 Ractive 数据是这样的:

items: [
  { id: 16, name: "thingy" },
  { id: 23, name: "other thingy"}



但是我如何获取(或删除或更新)id 为 23 的项目?

主要是 javascript 问题,但您可以将方法放在您的 ractive 实例或原型上。假设你的数组不是太大并且使用 find and findIndex,你可以这样做:

Ractive.prototype.getIndexById = function(keypath, id){
        return each.id === id;

Ractive.prototype.getById = function(keypath, id){
    return this.get(keypath).find(function(each){
        return each.id === id;

Ractive.prototype.delete = function(keypath, id){
    return this.splice(keypath, this.getIndexById(id), 1);

Ractive.prototype.update = function(keypath, id, data){
    return this.set(keypath + '.' + this.getIndexById(id), data);


<li on-click='selected'>{{name}}</li>
<!-- or -->
<li on-click='selected(this, i)'>{{name}}</li>


new Ractive({
    selected: function(item, index){
        // in lieu of passing in, you can access via this.event:
        var item = this.event.context // current array member
        var index = this.event.index.i // current index
    oninit: function(){
        this.on('selected', function(){
            // same as method above


Ractive.prototype.getKeyById = function(keypath, id) {
  var key;
  key = -1;
  $.each(this.get(keypath), function(i, data) {
    if (data.id === id) {
      key = i;
      return false;
  return key;