Google 助理的事实应用程序

Fact App for Google Assistant

我正在摆弄我的 Google 家并创建一个应用程序来读取有关树懒的事实。我使用 API.AI 创建了代理,我在 Firebase 上托管我的函数并通过网络挂接将它连接到 API.AI。你让 Google 告诉你一个关于树懒的事实,它会回答你是想听 "fun fact" 还是 "science fact." 你的回答决定了什么样的事实 Google会为你朗读。

在 API.AI 上进行测试时,我收到默认的失败响应,但当我查看 JSON 时,它显然是在解析事实类别。我的 javascript 代码基于他们教程使用的 Google 示例 "Facts about Google" 应用程序。下面是 API.AI 测试中的 JSON 以及我的 tellFact() 函数。

如果 JSON 清楚地表明它正在解析正确的类别,为什么我会遇到失败子句?


{ "id": "2b920a5b-0d17-4c5a-9ac1-18071f078464", "timestamp": "2017-07-13T20:43:33.307Z", "lang": "en", "result": { "source": "agent", "resolvedQuery": "tell me something scientific about sloths", "action": "tell.fact", "actionIncomplete": false, "parameters": { "fact-category": "science" }, "contexts": [ { "name": "_actions_on_google_", "parameters": { "fact-category.original": "scientific", "fact-category": "science" }, "lifespan": 100 } ], "metadata": { "intentId": "ca4fa7f1-aceb-4867-b7c3-cf16d1ce4d79", "webhookUsed": "true", "webhookForSlotFillingUsed": "false", "webhookResponseTime": 195, "intentName": "tell_fact" }, "fulfillment": { "speech": "Sorry, I didn't understand. I can tell you fun facts or science facts about sloths. Which one do you want to hear about?", "messages": [ { "type": 0, "speech": "Sorry, I didn't understand. I can tell you fun facts or science facts about sloths. Which one do you want to hear about?" } ], ...


const App = require('actions-on-google').ApiAiApp;
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const TELL_FACT = 'tell.fact';

// API.AI parameter names
const CATEGORY_ARGUMENT = 'category';
const FACT_TYPE = {
  FUN: 'fun',
  SCIENCE: 'science'
const FUN_FACTS = new Set([...]);
const SCIENCE_FACTS = new Set([...]);


exports.factsAboutSloths = functions.https.onRequest((request, response) => {
  const app = new App({ request, response });
  console.log('Request headers: ' + JSON.stringify(request.headers));
  console.log('Request body: ' + JSON.stringify(request.body));

  // Greet the user and direct them to next turn
  function unhandledDeepLinks(app) {
    if (app.hasSurfaceCapability(app.SurfaceCapabilities.SCREEN_OUTPUT)) {
        .addSimpleResponse(`Welcome to Facts about Sloths! I'd really rather not talk about ${app.getRawInput()}.` +
        `Wouldn't you rather talk about Sloths? I can tell you a fun fact or a science fact about sloths.` +
        `Which do you want to hear about?`).addSuggestions(['Fun', 'Science']));
    } else {
      app.ask(`Welcome to Facts about Sloths! I'd really rather not talk about ${app.getRawInput()}.` +
      `Wouldn't you rather talk about Sloths? I can tell you a fun fact or a science fact about sloths.` +
      `Which do you want to hear about?`, NO_INPUTS);

  // Say a fact
  function tellFact(app) {
    let funFacts = ? new Set( : FUN_FACTS;
    let scienceFacts = ? new Set( : SCIENCE_FACTS;

    if (funFacts.size === 0 && scienceFacts.size === 0) {
      app.tell('Actually it looks like you heard it all. Thanks for listening!');


    let factCategory = app.getArgument(CATEGORY_ARGUMENT);

    if (factCategory === FACT_TYPE.FUN) {
      let fact = getRandomFact(funFacts);
      if (fact === null) {
        if (app.hasSurfaceCapability(app.SurfaceCapabilities.SCREEN_OUTPUT)) {
          let suggestions = ['Science'];

            .addSimpleResponse(noFactsLeft(app, factCategory, FACT_TYPE.SCIENCE))
        } else {
          app.ask(noFactsLeft(app, factCategory, FACT_TYPE.SCIENCE), NO_INPUTS);

      let factPrefix = 'Sure, here\'s a fun fact. '; = Array.from(funFacts);

      if (app.hasSurfaceCapability(app.SurfaceCapabilities.SCREEN_OUTPUT)) {
        let image = getRandomImage(SLOTH_IMAGES);
            .addButton(LINK_OUT_TEXT, WIKI_LINK)
            .setImage(image[0], image[1]))
      } else {
        app.ask(factPrefix + fact + NEXT_FACT_DIRECTIVE, NO_INPUTS);

    } else if (factCategory === FACT_TYPE.SCIENCE) {
      let fact = getRandomFact(scienceFacts);

      if (fact === null) {
        if (app.hasSurfaceCapability(app.SurfaceCapabilities.SCREEN_OUTPUT)) {
          let suggestions = ['Fun'];

            .addSimpleResponse(noFactsLeft(app, factCategory, FACT_TYPE.FUN))
        } else {
          app.ask(noFactsLeft(app, factCategory, FACT_TYPE.FUN), NO_INPUTS);

      let factPrefix = 'Okay, here\'s a science fact. '; = Array.from(scienceFacts);
      if (app.hasSurfaceCapability(app.SurfaceCapabilities.SCREEN_OUTPUT)) {
        let image = getRandomImage(SLOTH_IMAGES);
            .setImage(image[0], image[1])
            .addButton(LINK_OUT_TEXT, WIKI_LINK))
      } else {
        app.ask(factPrefix + fact + NEXT_FACT_DIRECTIVE, NO_INPUTS);

    } else {
      // Conversation repair is handled in API.AI, but this is a safeguard
      if (app.hasSurfaceCapability(app.SurfaceCapabilities.SCREEN_OUTPUT)) {
          .addSimpleResponse(`Sorry, I didn't understand. ` +
          `I can tell you fun facts or science facts about sloths. ` +
          `Which one do you want to hear about?`)
          .addSuggestions(['Fun', 'Science']));
      } else {
        app.ask(`Sorry, I didn't understand. ` +
        `I can tell you fun facts or science facts about sloths. ` +
        `Which one do you want to hear about?`, NO_INPUTS);

  // Say they've heard it all about this category
  function noFactsLeft(app, currentCategory, redirectCategory) {
    let parameters = {};

    parameters[CATEGORY_ARGUMENT] = redirectCategory;
    // Replace the outgoing facts context with different parameters
    app.setContext(FACTS_CONTEXT, DEFAULT_LIFESPAN, parameters);
    let response = `Looks like you've heard all there is to know about the ${currentCategory} facts of sloths. ` +
    `I could tell you about its ${redirectCategory} instead. So what would you like to hear about?`;

    return response;

  let actionMap = new Map();
  actionMap.set(UNRECOGNIZED_DEEP_LINK, unhandledDeepLinks);
  actionMap.set(TELL_FACT, tellFact);


tell.fact 意图截图


在 API.AI 中,您已将参数命名为 "fact-category"。


 let factCategory = app.getArgument(CATEGORY_ARGUMENT);


 const CATEGORY_ARGUMENT = 'category';

所以它陷入了错误状态,因为你得到了名为 "category" 的参数,它没有被设置,所以 factCategory 最终在每种情况下都是未定义的。