Haskell 堆栈找不到已安装的 ghc

Haskell stack cant find installed ghc

一个已经设置好的项目找不到GHC。 堆栈构建结果:

No compiler found, expected minor version match with ghc-8.0.2 (x86_64-ncurses6-nopie)
(based on resolver setting in /home/iam/Work/has/grove/stack.yaml).
To install the correct GHC into /home/iam/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/, try running "stack
setup" or use the "--install-ghc" flag. To use your system GHC installation,
run "stack config set system-ghc --global true", or use the "--system-ghc" flag.


Unable to find installation URLs for OS key: linux64-ncurses6-nopie
However, in .stack-work, in the install file there is a folder called x86_64-linux-ncurses6,
not linux64-ncurses6-nopie

Stack 由 pacman 安装。 版本 1.4.0 x86_64,项目使用解析器:lts-8.21

这个问题是上游已知的。 (https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/3268)。正如本期中所建议的,从 AUR 安装 libtinfo 会有所帮助,因为 GHC 有一个 tinfo-nopie bindist。我还没有 运行 解决 TimoFreiberg(正在致力于提供 ncurses6-nopie bindist)在这个问题报告中报告的问题。