Druid 中维度支持的数据类型列表?

List of supported data types for dimensions in Druid?

我似乎无法在 Druid 网站上找到任何特定的 tutorial/doc 页面,其中列出了 Druid 中所有支持的维度数据类型。从我阅读的内容来看,我知道 long, floatstring 是绝对受支持的,但我对其他受支持类型的信息几乎为零。


Druid natively supports five basic column types: "long" (64 bit signed int), "float" (32 bit float), "double" (64 bit float) "string" (UTF-8 encoded strings), and "complex" (catch-all for more exotic data types like hyperUnique and approxHistogram columns). Timestamps (including the __time column) are stored as longs, with the value being the number of milliseconds since 1 January 1970 UTC.

我发现此页面包含受支持类型的列表: https://druid.apache.org/docs/latest/querying/sql.html#data-types

维度是可以作为过滤依据或分组依据的字段。它们总是单个字符串、字符串数组、单个 Long、单个 Double 或单个 Float。