Swift: 改变结构中的数组

Swift: Mutating array in struct

我正在尝试在 Swift 中创建矩阵 class,但我在 setRow() 函数的 self.data[row * columns..<(row + 1) * columns] = data 行收到错误。错误是 'Cannot assign value of type '[Double]' 键入 'ArraySlice''

struct Matrix: CustomStringConvertible {
    let rows:Int
    let columns:Int
    var data:[Double]

    // Description
    public var description: String {
        var description = ""
        for r in 0..<rows {
            description += data[r * columns..<(r + 1) * columns].description + "\n"
        return description

    // Initialisation
    init(rows: Int, columns: Int) {
        self.rows = rows
        self.columns = columns
        self.data = Array(repeating: 0.0, count: rows * columns)

    init(rows: Int, columns: Int, data:[Double]) {
        assert(data.count == (rows * columns),"Number of elements must equal rows * columns")
        self.rows = rows
        self.columns = columns
        self.data = data

    // Validity
    func validRow(row: Int) -> Bool {
        return row > 0 && row < rows

    func validColumn(column: Int) -> Bool {
        return column > 0 && column < columns

    func validIndex(row: Int, column: Int) -> Bool {
        return validRow(row: row) && validColumn(column: column)

    // Setters and getters
    func get(row: Int, column: Int) -> Double {
        assert(validIndex(row: row,column: column), "Index out of range")
        return data[(row * columns) + column]

    mutating func set(row: Int, column: Int, value: Double) {
        assert(validIndex(row: row,column: column), "Index out of range")
        data[(row * columns) + column] = value

    func getRow(row: Int) -> [Double] {
        assert(validRow(row: row), "Index out of range")
        return Array(data[row * columns..<(row + 1) * columns])

    mutating func setRow(row: Int, data:[Double]) {
        assert(validRow(row: row), "Index out of range")
        assert(data.count == columns, "Data must be same length ans the number of columns")
        self.data[row * columns..<(row + 1) * columns] = data

    // Swapping
    mutating func swapRow(row1: Int, row2: Int) {
        assert(validRow(row: row1) && validRow(row: row2), "Index out of range")
        let holder = getRow(row: row2)
        setRow(row: row2, data: getRow(row: row1))
        setRow(row: row1, data: holder)

听起来很简单。您不想在函数中设置 Double 而不是 [Double] 吗?

mutating func setRow(row: Int, data: Double) {
        assert(validRow(row: row), "Index out of range")
        assert(data.count == columns, "Data must be same length ans the number of columns")
        self.data[row * columns..<(row + 1) * columns] = data

如错误所述,Array 的范围下标处理 ArraySlice,而不是 Array

一个解决方案,如, is to just create a slice of the entire input array. This can be done by subscripting with the array's indices:

mutating func setRow(row: Int, data newData: [Double]) {
    assert(validRow(row: row), "Index out of range")
    assert(data.count == columns, "Data must be same length ans the number of columns")
    data[row * columns ..< (row + 1) * columns] = newData[newData.indices]

或者在 Swift 4 中,你可以利用 the ... 'operator',它做同样的事情:

data[row * columns ..< (row + 1) * columns] = newData[...]

但是在我看来,更好的工具是 replaceSubrange(_:with:):

mutating func replaceSubrange<C>(_ subrange: Range<Int>, with newElements: C) 
     where Element == C.Element, C : Collection

因为它允许您处理任意 Collection 个新元素,这意味着您还可以使 setRow 通用:

mutating func setRow<C : Collection>(row: Int, data newData: C)
    where C.Iterator.Element == Double { // <- in Swift 4, remove ".Iterator"

    assert(validRow(row: row), "Index out of range")
    assert(data.count == columns, "Data must be same length ans the number of columns")
    data.replaceSubrange(row * columns ..< (row + 1) * columns, with: newData)