pyOpenSSL 的 PKCS7 对象提供的信息非常少,如何获取签名中 public 密钥的 sha1 摘要

pyOpenSSL's PKCS7 object provide very little information, how can I get the sha1 digest of the public key in the signature

我想在 Python 中解析 android apk 的 CERT.RSA。 我知道它可以用 pyOpenSSL 解析

import OpenSSL

cert = OpenSSL.crypto.load_certificate(OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_ASN1, 打开('CERT.RSA', 'rb').read())

cert = OpenSSL.crypto.load_pkcs7_data(type, buffer)

证书的类型为 'OpenSSL.crypto.PKCS7'。

但是现在 PKCS7 对象不完整,我无法获得我需要的属性,有没有其他方法可以解析该文件?

Comments: I don't know if there's a way to convert it to another format so it can be parsed

您可以使用 opensslPKCS#7 转换为 PEM,使用 PyOpenSSL

可读 PEM
openssl pkcs7 -print_certs -in sample.p7b -out sample.cer

Question: ... how can I get the sha1 digest of the public key in the signature

未实现,Pull Request 自 2015 年起停滞不前。
使用 Pull Request 中的代码你可以做到。

From: GitHub pyca/pyopenssl: implement getters for pkcs#7 certificates, crl's, and data #367

    def get_certificates(self):
        from OpenSSL.crypto import _lib, _ffi, X509

        Returns all certificates for the PKCS7 structure, if present. Only
        objects of type ``signedData`` or ``signedAndEnvelopedData`` can embed

        :return: The certificates in the PKCS7, or :const:`None` if
            there are none.
        :rtype: :class:`tuple` of :class:`X509` or :const:`None`
        certs = _ffi.NULL
        if self.type_is_signed():
            certs = self._pkcs7.d.sign.cert
        elif self.type_is_signedAndEnveloped():
            certs = self._pkcs7.d.signed_and_enveloped.cert

        pycerts = []
        for i in range(_lib.sk_X509_num(certs)):
            pycert = X509.__new__(X509)
            # pycert._x509 = _lib.sk_X509_value(certs, i)
            # According to comment from @ Jari Turkia
            # to prevent segfaults use '_lib.X509_dup('
            pycert._x509 = _lib.X509_dup(_lib.sk_X509_value(certs, i))

        if not pycerts:
            return None
        return tuple(pycerts)


pkcs7 = crypto.load_pkcs7_data(crypto.FILETYPE_ASN1, open('signature.der', 'rb').read())
certs = get_certificates(pkcs7)
for cert in certs:


(<OpenSSL.crypto.X509 object at 0xf671b62c>, <OpenSSL.crypto.X509 object at 0xf671b86c>)

测试 Python:3.4.2 - OpenSSL:17.1.0 - cryptography:1.9 - cffi:1.10.0


OpenSSL.crypto.load_pkcs7_data(type, buffer)

Load pkcs7 data from the string buffer encoded with the type type.
The type type must either FILETYPE_PEM or FILETYPE_ASN1).