NGRX 减速器的多个实例的选择器
Selectors for multiple instance of NGRX reducers
我有一个用于搜索的减速器,我意识到它需要用于多个不相关的搜索组件。因此,通过查看 Redux 文档,我发现了高阶 reducers ( (meta reducers in ngrx) and used that to create 2 'instances' of my search reducer. I then found in the same documentation that this will appear to work with selectors but actually has an issue with the memoization ( 的概念。那篇文章引用了一个名为 'mapStateToProps' 的函数,它似乎是 React 将商店数据连接到组件的特定方式(如果我理解正确的话......)。
ngrx 中是否有等效项,或者是否有另一种创建这些 selector 以与减速器的不同实例一起工作的方法?
下面是一个基于 ngrx 示例应用程序的轻微人为设计的示例:
export interface State {
ids: string[];
loading: boolean;
query: string;
const initialState: State = {
ids: [],
loading: false,
query: ''
export const createSearchReducer = (instanceName: string) => {
return (state = initialState, action: actions.Actions): State => {
const {name} = action; // Use this name to differentiate instances when dispatching an action.
if(name !== instanceName) return state;
switch (action.type) {
export interface State {
search: fromSearch.State;
const reducers = {
search: combineReducers({
books: searchReducer.createReducer('books'),
magazines: searchReducer.createReducer('magazines')
export const getSearchState = (state: State) =>;
// (1)
export const getSearchIds = createSelector(getSearchState, fromSearch.getIds);
我相信 getSearchIds select 或更高版本需要能够以某种方式指定它正在访问的搜索 Reducer 实例。 (奇怪的是,在我的代码中,它 似乎 可以工作,但我不确定它如何知道 select 来自哪个,我认为它有 Redux 文档中讨论的记忆问题) .
与此无关,较新版本的 AOT 不喜欢使用“=>”来创建减速器。而是使用
export function SearchReducer (state : State = initialState, { type, payload }){
switch (type) {
而且你不必使用 combineReducers,你可以直接构建你的 reducer 对象
let reducers = {
search: SearchReducer
虽然 Kevin 的回答对于我给出的人为设计的代码示例是有意义的,但如果每个减速器 'instance' 有很多属性或者如果您需要很多 'instances',则肯定存在维护问题。在这些情况下,您会在单个 reducer 上得到许多类似重复的属性(例如 'bookIds'、'magazineIds'、'dvdIds'、'microficheIds' 等)。
考虑到这一点,我回到了 Redux 文档并按照它找到了选择器的常见问题解答,特别是 How Do I create a Selector That Takes an Argument。
export const getBookSearchState = (state: State) =>;
export const getMagazineSearchState = (state: State) =>;
// A function to allow the developer to choose the instance of search reducer to target in their selector.
export const chooseSearchInstance = (instance: string): ((state: State) => searchReducer.State) => {
switch(instance) {
case 'books': {
return getBookSearchState;
case 'magazines': {
return getMagazineSearchState;
// Determines the instance based on the param and returns the selector function.
export const getSearchIds = (instance: string) => {
const searchState = chooseSearchInstance(instance);
return createSelector(searchState, state => state.ids);
class SearchComponent {
searchType: string = 'books';
ids: Observable<number>;
constructor(private store: Store<fromRoot.State>) {;
我有一个用于搜索的减速器,我意识到它需要用于多个不相关的搜索组件。因此,通过查看 Redux 文档,我发现了高阶 reducers ( (meta reducers in ngrx) and used that to create 2 'instances' of my search reducer. I then found in the same documentation that this will appear to work with selectors but actually has an issue with the memoization ( 的概念。那篇文章引用了一个名为 'mapStateToProps' 的函数,它似乎是 React 将商店数据连接到组件的特定方式(如果我理解正确的话......)。
ngrx 中是否有等效项,或者是否有另一种创建这些 selector 以与减速器的不同实例一起工作的方法?
下面是一个基于 ngrx 示例应用程序的轻微人为设计的示例:
export interface State {
ids: string[];
loading: boolean;
query: string;
const initialState: State = {
ids: [],
loading: false,
query: ''
export const createSearchReducer = (instanceName: string) => {
return (state = initialState, action: actions.Actions): State => {
const {name} = action; // Use this name to differentiate instances when dispatching an action.
if(name !== instanceName) return state;
switch (action.type) {
export interface State {
search: fromSearch.State;
const reducers = {
search: combineReducers({
books: searchReducer.createReducer('books'),
magazines: searchReducer.createReducer('magazines')
export const getSearchState = (state: State) =>;
// (1)
export const getSearchIds = createSelector(getSearchState, fromSearch.getIds);
我相信 getSearchIds select 或更高版本需要能够以某种方式指定它正在访问的搜索 Reducer 实例。 (奇怪的是,在我的代码中,它 似乎 可以工作,但我不确定它如何知道 select 来自哪个,我认为它有 Redux 文档中讨论的记忆问题) .
与此无关,较新版本的 AOT 不喜欢使用“=>”来创建减速器。而是使用
export function SearchReducer (state : State = initialState, { type, payload }){
switch (type) {
而且你不必使用 combineReducers,你可以直接构建你的 reducer 对象
let reducers = {
search: SearchReducer
虽然 Kevin 的回答对于我给出的人为设计的代码示例是有意义的,但如果每个减速器 'instance' 有很多属性或者如果您需要很多 'instances',则肯定存在维护问题。在这些情况下,您会在单个 reducer 上得到许多类似重复的属性(例如 'bookIds'、'magazineIds'、'dvdIds'、'microficheIds' 等)。
考虑到这一点,我回到了 Redux 文档并按照它找到了选择器的常见问题解答,特别是 How Do I create a Selector That Takes an Argument。
export const getBookSearchState = (state: State) =>;
export const getMagazineSearchState = (state: State) =>;
// A function to allow the developer to choose the instance of search reducer to target in their selector.
export const chooseSearchInstance = (instance: string): ((state: State) => searchReducer.State) => {
switch(instance) {
case 'books': {
return getBookSearchState;
case 'magazines': {
return getMagazineSearchState;
// Determines the instance based on the param and returns the selector function.
export const getSearchIds = (instance: string) => {
const searchState = chooseSearchInstance(instance);
return createSelector(searchState, state => state.ids);
class SearchComponent {
searchType: string = 'books';
ids: Observable<number>;
constructor(private store: Store<fromRoot.State>) {;