将 JSF 登录页面与 Spring 安全性集成

Integrate a JSF login page with Spring Security

I´m trying to integrate a JSF web application with Spring Security.

Currently I'm logging in through a method: authenthicating inside this method and redirecting to the destination page based on the user.


 <h:form id="login">
   <h:outputLabel for="email" value="E-mail: "/> 
   <p:inputText id="email" value="#{loginManagedBean.usuario.email}" required="true"/>
   <p:message for="email"/>

   <h:outputLabel for="pass" value="Contraseña: "/>                
   <p:password id="pass" value="#{loginManagedBean.usuario.password}" required="true"/>
   <p:message for="pass"/>

   <!-- <input type="hidden" name="${_csrf.parameterName}" value="${_csrf.token}"/> -->

   <p:commandButton value="Login" update="@form" action="#{loginManagedBean.autenticar()}"/>


How can I replace this page and method to work with SpringSecurity?


protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {

    //.csrf() is optional, enabled by default, if using WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter constructor
    // Have to disable it for POST methods:

    // Logout and redirection:
            .logoutRequestMatcher(new AntPathRequestMatcher("/logout"))

            //Permit access for all to error and denied views
            .antMatchers("/WEB-INF/errorpages/general.xhtml", "/WEB-INF/errorpages/accessDenied.xhtml", "/WEB-INF/errorpages/expired.html", "/login.xhtml")
            // Only access with admin role
            //Permit access only for some roles
            //Permit access only for some roles
            //If user doesn't have permission, forward him to login page
            .loginProcessingUrl("/login") //

我不想使用 JSF 进行身份验证,而是使用普通的 HTML 表单(having configured 之前的身份验证入口点):

<form action="#{request.contextPath}/j_spring_security_check"
    <h:panelGrid styleClass="centered tight-grid" columns="2">
        <input type="text" id="username" name="username"
            required="required" />
        <input type="password" id="password" name="password"
            required="required" />
        <button type="submit">
            <span class="ui-button-text">Login</span>

这将对您的 Spring 安全身份验证入口点执行 POST。然后,一旦用户登录,您就可以使用 AuthenticationSuccessHandler 或默认目标 url 重定向到您的 JSF 应用程序。

登录按钮操作应该像这样首先执行重定向并将流程传递给 spring 安全。

ExternalContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext();
RequestDispatcher dispatcher = ((ServletRequest) context.getRequest()).getRequestDispatcher("/login");
dispatcher.forward((ServletRequest) context.getRequest(), (ServletResponse) context.getResponse());