全屏不适用于 clappr 播放器

Fullscreen doesn't work with clappr player

如何强制 Clappr 播放器在更改视频后保持全屏? 我编写了一个触发 PLAYER_ENDED 事件的函数,该函数使用此 load 方法加载下一个视频:

enter code here`enter code here`player.load([{source: 'video_url_exmpl'}], null, true);


exitFullscreenOnEnd: false,


Failed to execute 'requestFullscreen' on 'Element': API can only be initiated by a user gesture

这是我的 Clappr 播放器初始化和设置:

 player = new Clappr.Player({
        source: sourceUrl,
        parentId: "#player",
        autoPlay: true,
        width: '100%',
        height: '100%',
        exitFullscreenOnEnd: false,
        playInline: true,
        recycleVideo: Clappr.Browser.isMobile,
        poster: '',
    }).on(Clappr.Events.PLAYER_ENDED, function() {
           player.load([{source: 'video_url'}], null, true);

在官方 Clappr GitHub Issues 上找到了临时解决方案。感谢 kslimani.

var player = new Clappr.Player({
  parentId: "#player-wrapper",
  source: 'http://clappr.io/highline.mp4',
  height: 360,
  width: 640,
  exitFullscreenOnEnd: false,
  playback: {
    playInline: true,
    recycleVideo: true,
  events: {
    onEnded: function () {
      var setSource = function (newSrc) {
        this.core.options.source = newSrc;
        var container = this.core.getCurrentContainer();
        var playback = this.core.getCurrentPlayback();
        if (container) {
          container.options.source = newSrc;
        if (playback) {
          playback.options.source = newSrc;
          playback._setupSrc && playback._setupSrc(newSrc);

      // Set another .mp4 source and start again player

请注意这段代码是一个丑陋的把戏,它可能会让某些播放器组件(如插件)处于不一致的状态。仅当源格式相同时才有效(即:所有源都是 .mp4 文件)。 但是应该给你一些提示,告诉你从哪里开始挖掘。 Link on Clappr GitHub threat