从两个曲面的交点求方程 y = y(x) z = z(x,y)

Find the equation y = y(x) from the intersection of two surfaces z = z(x,y)

给定 2 个表面 III 的方程 z = z(x,y)

z_I(x, y) = a0 + a1*y + a2*x + a3*y**2 + a4*x**2  + a5*x*y
z_II(x, y) = a0_s2 + a1_s2*y + a2_s2*x + a3_s2*y**2 + a4_s2*x**2  + a5_s2*x*y



z_I(x, y) = z_II(x, y)

如何找到这个交叉点的方程式 y=y(x)


import numpy as np
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# parameters:
a0 =  -941.487789748
a1 =  0.014688246093
a2 =  -2.53546607894e-05
a3 =  -9.6435353414e-05
a4 =  -2.47408356408e-08
a5 =  3.77057147803e-07

a0_s2 =  -941.483110904
a1_s2 =  0.01381970471
a2_s2 =  -2.63051565187e-05
a3_s2 =  -5.5529184524e-05
a4_s2 =  -2.46707082089e-08
a5_s2 =  3.50929634874e-07

print """ 

The equations are the following:

z_I  (x, y) = a0 + a1*y + a2*x + a3*y**2 + a4*x**2  + a5*x*y
z_II (x, y) = a0_s2 + a1_s2*y + a2_s2*x + a3_s2*y**2 + a4_s2*x**2  + a5_s2*x*y

print('z_I  (x, y) = ({a0}) + ({a1})*y + ({a2})*x  ({a3})*y**2  ({a4})*x**2  + ({a5})*x*y'.format(a0 = a0, a1 = a1, a2 = a2, a3 = a3, a4 = a4, a5 = a5))

print """
print('z_II  (x, y) = ({a0_s2}) + ({a1_s2})*y + ({a2_s2})*x  ({a3_s2})*y**2  ({a4_s2})*x**2  + ({a5_s2})*x*y'.format(a0_s2 = a0_s2, a1_s2 = a1_s2, a2_s2 = a2_s2, a3_s2 = a3_s2, a4_s2 = a4_s2, a5_s2 = a5_s2))

print """

print """
The intersection of both surfaces is satisfied when:

z_I(x, y) = z_II(x, y)

In other words, I am looking for the expression of the function y=y(x)


##### For plotting:
x_mesh = np.linspace(10.0000000000000, 2000.0000000000000, 200)
x_mesh_2 = np.linspace(10.0000000000000, 2000.0000000000000, 200)
print x_mesh[0]
print x_mesh[-1]
y_mesh = np.linspace(-4.4121040129800, 10.8555489379000, 200)
y_mesh_2 = np.linspace(8.0622039627300, 17.6458151433000, 200)
print y_mesh[0]
print y_mesh[-1]

xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x_mesh, y_mesh)
xx_2, yy_2 = np.meshgrid(x_mesh_2, y_mesh_2)

z_fit = a0 + a1*yy + a2*xx + a3*yy**2 + a4*xx**2  + a5*xx*yy
z_fit_2 = a0_s2 + a1_s2*yy_2 + a2_s2*xx_2 + a3_s2*yy_2**2 + a4_s2*xx_2**2  + a5_s2*xx_2*yy_2

# set "fig" and "ax" varaibles
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')

# Plot the original function
ax.plot_surface(xx, yy, z_fit, color='y', alpha=0.5)
ax.plot_surface(xx_2, yy_2, z_fit_2, color='g', alpha=0.5)

ax.set_zlabel('\nz', linespacing=3)



正如 @Alex 指出的那样,获得了 2 个解决方案,即两个曲面相交定义了 2 条曲线:


sol = sym.solve(z_I(x,y) - z_II(x,y), y)


我意识到在一个表面(即绿色表面)位于 xy 域的红黄色表面之上的情况下是正确的:


根据讨论的内容,这也可以由 sym.solve 完成:

cross = sym.solve(y_sol_z_I_sym(x) - y_sol_z_II_sym(x), x)

但是,此语句不适用于 sym.sqrt(它应该适用,因为平方根被视为符号...)



import numpy as np
import sympy as sym
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

a0 =  -941.487789748
a1 =  0.014688246093
a2 =  -2.53546607894e-05
a3 =  -9.6435353414e-05
a4 =  -2.47408356408e-08
a5 =  3.77057147803e-07

a0_s2 =  -941.483110904
a1_s2 =  0.01381970471
a2_s2 =  -2.63051565187e-05
a3_s2 =  -5.5529184524e-05
a4_s2 =  -2.46707082089e-08
a5_s2 =  3.50929634874e-07

x, y = sym.symbols('x y', real=True)

def z_I(x,y):
        return   a0 + a1*y + a2*x + a3*y**2 + a4*x**2  + a5*x*y

def z_II(x,y):
        return   a0_s2 + a1_s2*y + a2_s2*x + a3_s2*y**2 + a4_s2*x**2  + a5_s2*x*y

sol = sym.solve(z_I(x,y) - z_II(x,y), y)
print 'sol =', sol

# For obtaining the plot of the two branches y=y(x), we need np.sqrt
def y_sol_z_I(x):
    return 0.000319359080035813*x - 1.22230952828787e-15*np.sqrt(-1.07919313606384e+24*x**2 + 2.00910207755286e+28*x - 1.12101975048632e+30) + 10.6162640815323

def y_sol_z_II(x):
   return 0.000319359080035813*x + 1.22230952828787e-15*np.sqrt(-1.07919313606384e+24*x**2 + 2.00910207755286e+28*x - 1.12101975048632e+30) + 10.6162640815323

# For obtaining where the two branches y=y(x) intersect, we need sym.sqrt
def y_sol_z_I_sym(x):
    return 0.000319359080035813*x - 1.22230952828787e-15*sym.sqrt(-1.07919313606384e+24*x**2 + 2.00910207755286e+28*x - 1.12101975048632e+30) + 10.6162640815323

def y_sol_z_II_sym(x):
   return 0.000319359080035813*x + 1.22230952828787e-15*sym.sqrt(-1.07919313606384e+24*x**2 + 2.00910207755286e+28*x - 1.12101975048632e+30) + 10.6162640815323

cross = sym.solve(y_sol_z_I_sym(x) - y_sol_z_II_sym(x), x)
print ' cross = ', cross

##### Plotting:
# set "fig" and "ax" varaibles
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')

# Plot the original function:
x_mesh = np.linspace(10.0000000000000, 2000.0000000000000, 20)
x_mesh_2 = np.linspace(10.0000000000000, 2000.0000000000000, 20)
print x_mesh[0]
print x_mesh[-1]
y_mesh = np.linspace(-4.4121040129800, 10.8555489379000, 20)
y_mesh_2 = np.linspace(8.0622039627300, 17.6458151433000, 20)
print y_mesh[0]
print y_mesh[-1]

xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x_mesh, y_mesh)
xx_2, yy_2 = np.meshgrid(x_mesh_2, y_mesh_2)

ax.plot_surface(xx, yy, z_I(xx ,yy), color='y', alpha=0.5)
ax.plot_surface(xx_2, yy_2, z_II(xx_2, yy_2), color='g', alpha=0.5)

ax.set_zlabel('\n z, linespacing=3')

# New figure for the y=y(x) function:
fig = plt.figure()
x = np.linspace(10.0, 2000.0, 10000)
plt.plot(x, y_sol_z_I(x))
plt.plot(x, y_sol_z_II(x))
plt.title('Exact expression of y=y(x)\nas a result of making $z^{I}(x,y)=z^{II}(x,y)$')
tics_shown =  [10, 250, 500, 750, 1000, 1250, 1500, 1750, 2000, 2250]

# New figure for the y=y(x) function in circle:
fig = plt.figure()
x_circle = np.linspace(10.0, 2000.0*100, 10000*100)
plt.plot(x_circle, y_sol_z_I(x_circle))
plt.plot(x_circle, y_sol_z_II(x_circle))
plt.title('Exact expression of y=y(x)\nas a result of making $z^{I}(x,y)=z^{II}(x,y)$')


由于您正在寻找符号 解决方案(而不是数字),因此您需要一个用于符号操作的库,例如 SymPy。

import sympy as sym
x, y = sym.symbols('x y', real=True)
z_I = a0 + a1*y + a2*x + a3*y**2 + a4*x**2  + a5*x*y
z_II = a0_s2 + a1_s2*y + a2_s2*x + a3_s2*y**2 + a4_s2*x**2  + a5_s2*x*y
sol = sym.solve(z_I-z_II, y)


[0.000319359080035813*x - 1.22230952828787e-15*sqrt(-1.07919313606384e+24*x**2 + 2.00910207755286e+28*x - 1.12101975048632e+30) + 10.6162640815323, 
 0.000319359080035813*x + 1.22230952828787e-15*sqrt(-1.07919313606384e+24*x**2 + 2.00910207755286e+28*x - 1.12101975048632e+30) + 10.6162640815323]


cross = sym.solve(sol[0]-sol[1])

which returns [55.9652951064934, 18560.7401898885],交点的x坐标。