如何使用 web py (2.7) 在模板内部调用 html

How to call html inside of the tempate using webpy (2.7)

我正在尝试学习如何使用 web.py 重新创建网站,但找不到我需要的语法。

在我使用过的所有其他语言中,包括纯 HTML,有一种方法可以通过调用脚本、对象、包或视图来在网页中呈现 html东西有点模块化。那么我该如何使用 Python?

我会很好地将所有非布局文件重新排列到静态目录,将它们重写为 Python 文件,以某种方式写入和 return HTML,或包括url 处理中的子文件,如果有办法以这种方式访问​​并将它们加载到 html。

我希望将 .py 调用到 运行 一个脚本,该脚本将编写或调用该部分所需的 html,但我似乎找不到符合我要求的示例需要。


现在我的代码看起来像这样: code.py

import web

urls = (
    '/favicon.ico', 'icon',
    '/', 'index',
    '/index', 'index'

app = web.application(urls, globals(), autoreload=True)
render = web.template.render('templates/')#, base='Layout')
static = web.template.render('static/')
Main = web.template.render('templates/')
MainContent = web.template.render('Content/')

class static:
    def GET(self):
        return static()

class icon:
    def GET(self):
        return static.favicon()

class index:
    def GET(self):
        return Main.Layout(0, 0, 'Main.css')

if __name__ == '__main__':


    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
    <link href="static/$vCSS" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<body id="idBody">
    <table id="idTableMain">
        <tr id="idHeaderRow">
            <td id="idHeaderRowCenter" colspan="3">
                 <img src="static/logo.jpg"/>
        <tr id="idNavigationRow">
            <td id="idNavigationBar" colspan="3">
                 <!--Display /templates/NavBar.html -->
        <tr id="idCenterRow">
            <td id="idCenterRowLeft">
                <!--Display /templates/Navigation.html -->

            <td id="idCenterRowMain">
                <!--Display /templates/Content/Content_index.html -->
            <td id="idCenterRowRight">
                This was written with Python.<br><br>
                Other versions of this page are here:<br>
                <!--Display /templates/Versions_index.html -->   
        <tr id="idFooterRow">
            <td id="idFooterMain" colspan="3">
                <!--Display /templates/Footer.html -->

好的,我学到了一些东西,现在可以在 web.py 中复制我的网站,但我不喜欢我在某些地方的做法。

1) 我希望能够在每次不调用 Main 的情况下调用模板。 2) 我希望能够从布局中调用函数。




import web
import Universal
import Navigation
import Content
import Versions

urls = (
    '/favicon.ico', 'icon',
    '/', 'index',
    '/Section1/index', 'Section1',
    '/Section2/index', 'Section2',
    '/Section3/index', 'Section3'

app = web.application(urls, globals(), autoreload=True)
render = web.template.render('templates/')#, base='Layout')

static = web.template.render('static/')

Main = web.template.render('templates/')
Section1 = web.template.render('templates/Section1/')
Section2 = web.template.render('templates/Section2/')
Section3 = web.template.render('templates/Section3/')

class static:
    def GET(self):
        return static()

#class icon:
#    def GET(self):
#        return static.favicon()

class index:
    def GET(self):
        vPage = '0'
        vLevel = '0'
        vSection = '0'
        vHead = Universal.getHead(vSection)
        vHeader = Universal.getHeader()
        vNavBar = Universal.getNavBar()
        vNavigation = Navigation.getNavigation(vLevel)
        vContent = Content.getContent(vLevel)
        vVersions = Versions.getVersions(vLevel)
        vFooter = Universal.getFooter()
        return Main.Layout(vHead, vHeader, vNavBar, vNavigation, vContent, vVersions, vFooter)

class Section1:
    def GET(self):
        vPage = '0'
        vLevel = '1'
        vSection = '1'
        vHead = Universal.getHead(vSection)
        vHeader = Universal.getHeader()
        vNavBar = Universal.getNavBar()
        vNavigation = Navigation.getNavigation(vLevel)
        vContent = Content.getContent(vLevel)
        vVersions = Versions.getVersions(vLevel)
        vFooter = Universal.getFooter()
        return Main.Section1.Layout(vHead, vHeader, vNavBar, vNavigation, vContent, vVersions, vFooter)

class Section2:
    def GET(self):
        vPage = '0'
        vLevel = '2'
        vSection = '2'
        vHead = Universal.getHead(vSection)
        vHeader = Universal.getHeader()
        vNavBar = Universal.getNavBar()
        vNavigation = Navigation.getNavigation(vLevel)
        vContent = Content.getContent(vLevel)
        vVersions = Versions.getVersions(vLevel)
        vFooter = Universal.getFooter()
        return Main.Section2.Layout(vHead, vHeader, vNavBar, vNavigation, vContent, vVersions, vFooter)

class Section3:
    def GET(self):
        vPage = '0'
        vLevel = '3'
        vSection = '3'
        vHead = Universal.getHead(vSection)
        vHeader = Universal.getHeader()
        vNavBar = Universal.getNavBar()
        vNavigation = Navigation.getNavigation(vLevel)
        vContent = Content.getContent(vLevel)
        vVersions = Versions.getVersions(vLevel)
        vFooter = Universal.getFooter()
        #return render.Layout(vHead, vHeader, vNavBar, vNavigation, vContent, vVersions, vFooter)
        return Main.Section3.Layout(vHead, vHeader, vNavBar, vNavigation, vContent, vVersions, vFooter)


$def with (vHead, vHeader, vNavBar, vNavigation, vContent, vVersions, vFooter)

<body id="idBody">
    <table id="idTableMain">
        <tr id="idHeaderRow">
            <td id="idHeaderRowCenter" colspan="3">
        <tr id="idNavigationRow">
            <td id="idNavigationBar" colspan="3">
        <tr id="idCenterRow">
            <td id="idCenterRowLeft">
            <td id="idCenterRowMain">
            <td id="idCenterRowRight">
                This was written with Python 2.7 and web.py.<br><br>
                Other versions of this page are here:<br>
        <tr id="idFooterRow">
            <td id="idFooterMain" colspan="3">


def getHead(vSection):
    vResult = '<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\">'
    vResult += '<link href=' + getCSS(vSection) + ' rel=\"stylesheet\" type="text/css">'
    return vResult

def getCSS(vSection):
    if vSection == '1':
        vResult = '/static/Section1/Section1.css'
    elif vSection == '2':
        vResult = '/static/Section2/Section2.css'
    elif vSection == '3':
        vResult = '/static/Section3/Section3.css'
        vResult = '/static/Main.css'
    return vResult

def getHeader():
    vResult = '<img id=\"idLogo\" src=' + getLogo() + '>'
    return vResult
def getNavBar():
    vResult = '<a class=\'navBar\' href=\'/index\'>Home</a>'
    vResult += '<a class=\'navBar\' href=\'/Section1/index\'>Web Programming</a>'
    vResult += '<a class=\'navBar\' href=\'/Section2/index\'>Private Projects</a>'
    vResult += '<a class=\'navBar\' href=\'/Section3/index\'>Downloadable Projects</a>'
    return vResult