
Staff schedule working alone minutes


| staff| start | end   |
|:---  |:---   |:---   |
| 1    | 11:05 | 20:00 | 
| 2    | 11:00 | 17:00 |
| 3    | 19:00 | 03:00 |
| 4    | 13:00 | 20:00 |
| 5    | 19:00 | 03:00 |

Andreas' help, following is the code that gets the first and last person who was working alone with alone minutes, but its not quite right. Because if there were 3 people with different times that worked alone, it will give a problem. https://3v4l.org/6OmjO

$staff = array(1,2,3,4,5);
$start = array("11:05", "11:00", "19:00", "13:00", "19:00");
$end = array("20:00", "17:00", "03:00", "20:00", "03:05");

array_multisort($start, $end, $staff);

$aloneStart = (strtotime($start[1]) - strtotime($start[0])) / 60; // first and second items are the ones that may be working alone at start
$aloneEnd = (strtotime($end[count($end) - 1]) - strtotime($end[count($end) - 2])) / 60; // last and second to last are the ones that may be working alone at end

if ($aloneStart > 0)
    $staffAloneStart = $staff[0]; //must be the first who worked alone
    echo "minutes alone at start: " . $aloneStart . " and it was " . $staffAloneStart . "\n";

if ($aloneEnd > 0)
    $staffAloneEnd = $staff[count($end) - 1]; // must be the last to end that worked alone
    echo "minutes alone at end: " . $aloneEnd . " and it was " . $staffAloneEnd . "\n";

$aloneTime = intval($aloneStart) + intval($aloneEnd);
echo "total time alone " . $aloneTime;

使用以下数组,您会看到第一个用户的分钟数需要超过 5 分钟,因为他晚上独自工作的时间更多。

$staff = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
$start = array("11:05", "11:10", "19:00", "13:00", "19:00");
$end = array("20:00", "17:00", "03:00", "16:00", "03:00");


设法找到 mickmacks 测试用例的解决方案。

$staff = array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10);
$start = array("11:00", "13:00", "17:00", "17:00", "11:00", "13:30", "16:50", "18:30","17:00", "11:00");
$end = array("21:00", "15:00", "19:00", "19:30", "11:30", "15:10", "18:45", "19:45", "19:00", "11:30");

// Add staff number to end of time ex 11:00 => 11:00#2
For($i=0; $i<count($start);$i++){
    $start[$i] .= "#" . $staff[$i];
    $end[$i] .= "#" . $staff[$i];

$t = array_merge($start,$end); // create one long array with all in and out times
// Multisport is needed to get all arrays in time order as reference
array_multisort($start, $end, $staff);

// Find first start time (11:00) and slice array thwre, build string
$test = implode(PHP_EOL,array_slice($t, array_search($start[0], $t)));

// Find the times before first start (night end times) and add them last in string
$test .= PHP_EOL . implode(PHP_EOL,array_slice($t, 0,array_search($start[0], $t)));
$times = explode(PHP_EOL, $test); // explode to make it array again
 // Var_dump($times);

$WhoIsInDaHouse = array("dummy"); // add a dummy variable since 0=false in later if
for($i=0; $i<count($times);$i++){
    //echo $times[$i] ." " . $i ."\n";
        $TimePerson = explode("#", $times[$i]);
        $Time = $TimePerson[0];
        $person = $TimePerson[1];

        $inout = array_search($person, $WhoIsInDaHouse); //is person in house and about to leave?
        If($inout != false){ //if person enter work false, if true: key of person leaving in $WhoIsInDaHouse
            //Here $person is leaving work

            If(count($WhoIsInDaHouse) == 2){ // someone will now be alone since we have a dummy
                $Alone[$j]["start"] = $Time;
                $Alone[$j]["who"] = array_slice($WhoIsInDaHouse, -1)[0];
            }elseif(count($WhoIsInDaHouse) == 1 && $prevcount == 2){
                // Only dummy left
                $Alone[$j]["end"] = $Time;
                $Alone[$j]["duration"] = strtotime($Alone[$j]["end"])-strtotime($Alone[$j]["start"]);
            // Here person enters work
            $WhoIsInDaHouse[] = $person;

            If(count($WhoIsInDaHouse) == 2){ // someone is entering alone
                $Alone[$j]["start"] = $Time;
                $Alone[$j]["who"] = $person;
            }elseif(count($WhoIsInDaHouse)>2 && $prevcount == 2){ // not alone anymore
                $Alone[$j]["end"] = $Time;
                $Alone[$j]["duration"] = strtotime($Alone[$j]["end"])-strtotime($Alone[$j]["start"]);
        $prevcount = count($WhoIsInDaHouse);
foreach($Alone as $key => &$loner){
    if($loner["duration"]==0) unset($Alone[$key]);




首先是数据准备代码。我将 OP 的 hh:mm 进出时间值转换为简单的分钟值,同时将员工 ID 保留为键。

// My test data in OP's format to start with:

// My data preparation method:
foreach($staff as $i=>$v){
    $on=explode(':',$start[$i]);  // separate hh from mm of start of shift
    $on_minutes=$on[0]*60+$on[1];  // calculate total minutes from start of day
    $off=explode(':',$end[$i]);   // separate hh from mm of end of shift
    $off_minutes=($off[0]+($on[0]>$off[0]?24:0))*60+$off[1];  // calculate minutes from start of day, factoring shift that run past midnight
    $shifts[$v]=[$on_minutes,$off_minutes];  // store prepared data for future processes
  (new prepared array):


function whittle($colleague_shifts,$pieces_of_shift){  // initially, PoS is only one element
    foreach($colleague_shifts as $k=>$cs){
        foreach($pieces_of_shift as $i=>$ps){
            if($cs[0]<=$ps[0] && $cs[1]>=$ps[1]){
                continue;  // fully covered by coworker
            if($ps[0]<$cs[0] && $cs[0]<$ps[1]){
                $temp[]=[$ps[0],$cs[0]];    // push new unmatched start into temp PoS array
            if($ps[1]>$cs[1] && $cs[1]>$ps[0]){
                $temp[]=[$cs[1],$ps[1]];    // push new unmatched end into temp PoS array
                array_splice($pieces_of_shift,$i,1,$temp);  // replace the current PoS with 1 or 2 new PoS subarrays
            return 0;  // no minutes alone
    // subtract all end alone minutes from all start alone minutes
    return array_sum(array_column($pieces_of_shift,1))-array_sum(array_column($pieces_of_shift,0));

foreach($shifts as $id=>$s){
    $colleague_shifts=array_diff_key($shifts,[$id=>'']);  // generate array excluding target worker's shift
    if(in_array($s,$colleague_shifts)){  // check for same start and end times elsewhere
        $alone[$id]=0;  // exact duplicate allows shortcut as "never alone"
        $alone[$id]=whittle($colleague_shifts,[$s]);  // whittle down times where target employee is alone


array (
  1 => 360,  // alone from 11am-1pm, 3pm-5pm, and 7pm-9pm
  2 => 0,   // never alone
  3 => 0,   // never alone

帮助您了解 whittle()

  • 员工 #1 从 6601260 的全班开始。 ($pieces_of_shift 是一个只有一个子数组的数组,子数组有两个元素 - 开始分钟和结束分钟)
  • 在与员工 #2 进行比较后,原来的 $pieces_of_shift 子阵列被两个新的子阵列所取代——轮班开始时的单独时间和轮班结束时的单独时间: 6607809001260
  • 然后将员工 #3 的班次与员工 #1 的两个剩余单独时间范围进行比较。 Staff #3 的班次不与第一个子阵列的任何部分重叠,但在第二个子阵列中重叠。这意味着第二个时间范围随后被替换以有效 "punch out" 轮班时间的重叠。
  • 这导致员工 #1 的班次有 3 个 "alone" 时间段:660780900102011401260。这 3 个单独时间范围(每个 2 小时)产生 6 小时的总单独工作或 360 分钟。

这里是a demo with additional comments.

如果在特定批次中存在高概率或大量重复移位,则可以通过在第一个 foreach() 循环之前写入 $colleague_shifts=array_map('unserialize', array_unique(array_map('serialize', $shifts))) 来减少 whittle() 内的总迭代次数.

就此而言,相同的多功能方法 可以 用于在调用 foreach($shifts...) 之前缩短几个重复的班次,但我选择不实施这种方法,因为它可能不值得卷积。