在 Windows 主机上使用 Docker 设置 Gitlab,共享文件夹问题

Setting up Gitlab using Docker on Windows host, issue with shared folders


有谁知道如何解决 "Failed asserting that ownership of "/var/opt/gitlab/git-data" was git" 错误?


我想在 WindowsServer2012R2 运行 Docker 工具箱上设置 Gitlab Docker,版本 17.04.0-ce,内部版本 4845c56。


服务器D盘共享文件夹无法正常运行。我读到我需要将文件夹添加到 VirtualBox VM,这是我通过 VB GUI 中的 settings/shared 文件夹菜单完成的。我为路径 "D:\data\gitlab" 设置了一个名称 "gitlab",然后检查了自动挂载、永久化并将其设置为完全访问权限。

我启动了 docker 机器和 运行 "docker-machine ssh $machine-name"。我注意到没有 /media 目录,所以我在主目录 (/home/docker/gitlab) 中添加了一个文件夹,然后使用我在几个论坛中找到的以下命令挂载了共享文件夹:

sudo mount -t vboxsf gitlab /home/docker/gitlab

此时我可以将文件添加到 Windows 主机目录或 Docker VM,它似乎工作正常并且显示了测试文件。

现在,当我启动 Gitlab Docker 图像时,我使用从他们的文档中修改的以下命令:

docker run --detach --hostname gitlab.example.com --publish 80:80 --name gitlab --volume /home/docker/gitlab:/etc/gitlab:Z --volume /home/docker/gitlab/logs:/var/log/gitlab:Z --volume /home/docker/gitlab/data:/var/opt/gitlab:Z gitlab/gitlab-ce



Thank you for using GitLab Docker Image!
Current version: gitlab-ce=9.3.6-ce.0

Configure GitLab for your system by editing /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb file
And restart this container to reload settings.
To do it use docker exec:

  docker exec -it gitlab vim /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb
  docker restart gitlab

For a comprehensive list of configuration options please see the Omnibus GitLab readme

If this container fails to start due to permission problems try to fix it by executing:

  docker exec -it gitlab update-permissions
  docker restart gitlab

Installing gitlab.rb config...
Generating ssh_host_rsa_key...
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Your identification has been saved in /etc/gitlab/ssh_host_rsa_key.
Your public key has been saved in /etc/gitlab/ssh_host_rsa_key.pub.
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:GyFlf9tl7ZuEbuE+dwZUYiyahdsRzpC1T7kwyUvoD+o root@gitlab.example.com
The key's randomart image is:
+---[RSA 2048]----+
|        o .+oo   |
|       o .o*+o+.o|
|      . . o*@+oo+|
|       . o+o.Oo= |
|        S o o++..|
|         + oo + o|
|        o   .+ + |
|       .    o. .o|
|        E    .o..|
Generating ssh_host_ecdsa_key...
Generating public/private ecdsa key pair.
Your identification has been saved in /etc/gitlab/ssh_host_ecdsa_key.
Your public key has been saved in /etc/gitlab/ssh_host_ecdsa_key.pub.
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:Kb99jG8EtMuTSdIuqBT3GLeD1D0wwTEcQhKgVJUlBjs root@gitlab.example.com
The key's randomart image is:
+---[ECDSA 256]---+
| .o+=*=+=+       |
|..  oo..=..      |
|.  E   . * .     |
|    o + +.B      |
|     +.BS* *     |
|    . +o= B .    |
|   . .  .o =     |
|    .    o. +    |
|        . .+.    |
Generating ssh_host_ed25519_key...
Generating public/private ed25519 key pair.
Your identification has been saved in /etc/gitlab/ssh_host_ed25519_key.
Your public key has been saved in /etc/gitlab/ssh_host_ed25519_key.pub.
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:lVxpu0UoyNPWVY6D9c+m/bUTyvKP6vuR4cTOYwQ0j+U root@gitlab.example.com
The key's randomart image is:
+--[ED25519 256]--+
|       . o +.=o..|
|        +.=o@o.+ |
|         o+=.Eo o|
|         .  + .o.|
|        S    B  +|
|            B o= |
|            .Oo +|
|           ..o+.+|
|          .+*+.oo|
Preparing services...
Starting services...
Configuring GitLab package...
/opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/runsvdir-start: line 24: ulimit: pending signals: cannot modify limit: Operation not permitted
/opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/runsvdir-start: line 34: ulimit: max user processes: cannot modify limit: Operation not permitted
/opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/runsvdir-start: line 37: /proc/sys/fs/file-max: Read-only file system
Configuring GitLab...

Error executing action `run` on resource 'ruby_block[directory resource: /var/opt/gitlab/git-data]'

Failed asserting that ownership of "/var/opt/gitlab/git-data" was git
---- Begin output of set -x && [ "$(stat --printf='%U' $(readlink -f /var/opt/gitlab/git-data))" = 'git' ] ----
STDERR: + readlink -f /var/opt/gitlab/git-data
+ stat --printf=%U /var/opt/gitlab/git-data
+ [ UNKNOWN = git ]
---- End output of set -x && [ "$(stat --printf='%U' $(readlink -f /var/opt/gitlab/git-data))" = 'git' ] ----
Ran set -x && [ "$(stat --printf='%U' $(readlink -f /var/opt/gitlab/git-data))" = 'git' ] returned 1

Cookbook Trace:
/opt/gitlab/embedded/cookbooks/cache/cookbooks/gitlab/libraries/storage_directory_helper.rb:124:in `validate_command'
/opt/gitlab/embedded/cookbooks/cache/cookbooks/gitlab/libraries/storage_directory_helper.rb:112:in `block in validate'
/opt/gitlab/embedded/cookbooks/cache/cookbooks/gitlab/libraries/storage_directory_helper.rb:111:in `each_index'
/opt/gitlab/embedded/cookbooks/cache/cookbooks/gitlab/libraries/storage_directory_helper.rb:111:in `validate'
/opt/gitlab/embedded/cookbooks/cache/cookbooks/gitlab/libraries/storage_directory_helper.rb:87:in `validate!'
/opt/gitlab/embedded/cookbooks/cache/cookbooks/gitlab/definitions/storage_directory.rb:35:in `block (3 levels) in from_file'

Resource Declaration:
# In /opt/gitlab/embedded/cookbooks/cache/cookbooks/gitlab/definitions/storage_directory.rb

 26:   ruby_block "directory resource: #{params[:path]}" do
 27:     block do
 28:       # Ensure the directory exists
 29:       storage_helper.ensure_directory_exists(params[:path])
 31:       # Ensure the permissions are set
 32:       storage_helper.ensure_permissions_set(params[:path])
 34:       # Error out if we have not achieved the target permissions
 35:       storage_helper.validate!(params[:path])
 36:     end
 37:     not_if { storage_helper.validate(params[:path]) }
 38:   end
 39: end

Compiled Resource:
# Declared in /opt/gitlab/embedded/cookbooks/cache/cookbooks/gitlab/definitions/storage_directory.rb:26:in `block in from_file'

ruby_block("directory resource: /var/opt/gitlab/git-data") do
  params {:path=>"/var/opt/gitlab/git-data", :owner=>"git", :group=>nil, :mode=>"0700", :name=>"/var/opt/gitlab/git-data"}
  action [:run]
  retries 0
  retry_delay 2
  default_guard_interpreter :default
  block_name "directory resource: /var/opt/gitlab/git-data"
  declared_type :ruby_block
  cookbook_name "gitlab"
  recipe_name "gitlab-shell"
  block #<Proc:0x000000054a99a8@/opt/gitlab/embedded/cookbooks/cache/cookbooks/gitlab/definitions/storage_directory.rb:27>
  not_if { #code block }


有谁知道如何解决 "Failed asserting that ownership of "/var/opt/gitlab/git-data" was git" 错误?我对 Docker/setting up Gitlab 还是有些陌生,所以我很可能忽略了一些简单的事情。我花了几个小时谷歌搜索这个,似乎其他人也有很多问题让共享文件夹从 Windows 使用 Docker 工具箱工作,所以希望这也能帮助其他人。


对于我们这些困在没有本地 docker 的世界的人来说,一个解决方案(也许不是最好的)是使用 vdi 驱动器和共享文件夹。 vdi 驱动器可以放在我们想要的驱动器上(如果您不想使用 C 驱动器,这很重要)并且用于允许 Gitlab docker 能够 chown 任何它想要的东西,所以这就是我们将存储持久卷。缺点是 vdi 不像简单的共享文件夹那样透明,因此对于备份,共享文件夹有点麻烦 easier/transparent.




在您喜欢的任何驱动器上创建新的 vdi 驱动器和共享文件夹

  1. 关闭您要用于 gitlab 的 docker 机器
  2. 在 virtualbox 中进入 docker 机器上的设置,然后是 Storage,然后单击 Add Hard Disk 图标, 然后 创建新磁盘
  3. Select VDI(VirtualBox 磁盘映像) 并单击 下一步
  4. Select 动态分配然后点击下一步
  5. Select 通过单击带有绿色胡萝卜符号的文件夹来存储 vdi 的名称和位置,然后 select vdi 可以增长到的最大大小,然后单击 创建
  6. 现在在设置菜单中,切换到共享文件夹并单击添加新共享文件夹图标
  7. 创建一个 gitlabbackups 文件夹到任何你想要的地方然后 select Auto-mountMake永久


  1. Start/enter docker 机器(在命令提示符下使用 VBox window 或 docker-machine ssh <your docker machine name>
  2. 运行 fdisk -l 列出可用的驱动器,如果你只安装了一个额外的 vdi 驱动器,你应该看到类似 /dev/sdb
  3. 接下来的步骤是不可逆,所以请自行决定执行:输入命令fdisk /dev/sdb然后n创建新分区,p 对于小学,1
  4. 现在格式化新分区(您可能还需要 sudo):mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb1

运行 docker 在第二个 vdi 上有永久卷,在共享文件夹中有备份

示例 Dockerfile:

FROM gitlab/gitlab-ce:latest

RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y cron

# Add a cron job to backup everyday
RUN echo "0 5 * * * /opt/gitlab/bin/gitlab-rake gitlab:backup:create STRATEGY=copy CRON=1" | crontab -
# For an unknown reason, the cron job won't actually run unless cron is restarted
CMD service cron restart && \


version: "3.0"
    build: .
    restart: always
      - "80:80"
      # These volumes are on the vdi we created above
      - "/mnt/sdb1/etc/gitlab/:/etc/gitlab"
      - "/mnt/sdb1/var/log/gitlab:/var/log/gitlab"
      - "/mnt/sdb1/var/opt/gitlab:/var/opt/gitlab"
      # This volume sits in the shared folder defined above
      - "/gitlabbackups:/var/opt/gitlab/backups"
      # These seem to be necessary for the mounted drive to work properly
      # https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/run/#runtime-privilege-and-linux-capabilities
      - SYS_ADMIN

因为自动安装 vdi 似乎有问题,使用启动脚本,例如(假设您使用 D 驱动器,只需根据需要替换 <...> 中的任何内容),示例 run.bat:

@cd /d D:\<path to docker-compose.yml, assuming it's on the D drive>
@docker-machine start <docker machine name>
@FOR /f "tokens=*" %%i IN ('docker-machine env <docker machine name>') DO @%%i
@docker-machine ssh <docker machine name> sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/sdb1
@docker-compose build
@docker-compose up -d
@REM If the docker machine was completely off, running only 'docker-compose up -d' will 
@REM not mount the volumes properly. Stopping and restarting the container results in 
@REM the volumes mounting properly.
@docker stop <gitlab container name>
@docker start <gitlab container name>

注意:gitlab容器名称可以通过运行宁docker-compose up一次,然后docker ps -a查看,但通常遵循约定<directory compose file is in>_<name in the compose file, e.g. gitlab here>_1

假设一切顺利并且您根据自己的情况更改了上面 <...> 中的内容,您应该能够 运行 批处理文件并启动 gitlab 并且 运行 以这种方式将所有内容存储在备用驱动器上,vdi 中的持久工作文件(以绕过 VBox POSIX 限制),以及透明存储在共享文件夹中的备份。

希望这可以帮助其他无法访问本地 docker 的可怜人。