c# 在主线程上使用 thread.join 时从子线程更新标签
c# Update label from sub-thread when using thread.join on the main thread
我想从一些工作线程更新程序 GUI 上的状态标签(即进度)。
我无法使用同步调用调用,因为主线程在 thread.Join() 上被阻塞;重新启用接口 input/cleanup 线程。这会导致程序冻结。
我不想使用异步的 BeginInvoke,因为它会等到程序完成后才更新进度...达不到目的。
tl;dr - 我知道为什么它不起作用,但我不确定如何修复它。
Button_Search_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)()
DisableInput(); //Block input on start of function
Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; //set wait cursor
//read combobox input
string objectType = comboBox_Object.SelectedItem.ToString();
string conditionType = comboBox_ConditionType.SelectedItem.ToString();
string conditionOperator = comboBox_equals.SelectedItem.ToString();
//create a list of worker threads
List<Thread> workerThreads = new List<Thread>();
//for each line in the textbox
foreach (string searchText in textBox_SearchText.Lines)
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchText)) continue;
//foreach line in a listbox
foreach (String uri in Get_selected_sites())
string cred = (creddict[uri]);
Thread thread = new Thread(() => Search(uri, cred, objectType, conditionType, conditionOperator, searchText));
thread.Start(); //start main "work" function
// Wait for all the threads to finish
foreach (Thread thread in workerThreads)
EnableInput(); //unlock input
Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; //set normal cursor
Search(uri, cred, objectType, conditionType, conditionOperator, searchText)
//Update toolStripStatusLabel with progress stored in global int variable
//This doesn't work well because it waits until Thread.join() to update status label.
//BeginInvoke(new Action(() => Results_Count.Text = "Total Results = " + totalResults));
//This doesn't work at all because the main thread is blocked on Thread.Join() -- it freezes the program
//statusStrip1.Invoke(new Action(() => Results_Count.Text = "Total Results = " + totalResults));
//This doesn't work/errors/crashes because the GUI is being modified by a thread other than main
//Results_Count.Text = "Total Results = " + totalResults;
async void Button_Search_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)()
DisableInput(); //Block input on start of function
Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; //set wait cursor
//read combobox input
string objectType = comboBox_Object.SelectedItem.ToString();
string conditionType = comboBox_ConditionType.SelectedItem.ToString();
string conditionOperator = comboBox_equals.SelectedItem.ToString();
//create a list of worker threads
List<Task> workerTasks = new List<Task>();
//for each line in the textbox
foreach (string searchText in textBox_SearchText.Lines)
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchText)) continue;
//foreach line in a listbox
foreach (String uri in Get_selected_sites())
string cred = (creddict[uri]);
workerTasks.Add(Task.Run(() => Search(uri, cred, objectType, conditionType, conditionOperator, searchText)));
await Task.WhenAll(workerTasks);
EnableInput(); //unlock input
Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; //set normal cursor
这样,当任务为 运行 时,Button_Search_Click()
不会阻塞 UI 线程,您可以使用正常的 Invoke()
或您喜欢的任何机制post 更新到 UI 线程。
我想从一些工作线程更新程序 GUI 上的状态标签(即进度)。
我无法使用同步调用调用,因为主线程在 thread.Join() 上被阻塞;重新启用接口 input/cleanup 线程。这会导致程序冻结。
我不想使用异步的 BeginInvoke,因为它会等到程序完成后才更新进度...达不到目的。
tl;dr - 我知道为什么它不起作用,但我不确定如何修复它。
Button_Search_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)()
DisableInput(); //Block input on start of function
Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; //set wait cursor
//read combobox input
string objectType = comboBox_Object.SelectedItem.ToString();
string conditionType = comboBox_ConditionType.SelectedItem.ToString();
string conditionOperator = comboBox_equals.SelectedItem.ToString();
//create a list of worker threads
List<Thread> workerThreads = new List<Thread>();
//for each line in the textbox
foreach (string searchText in textBox_SearchText.Lines)
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchText)) continue;
//foreach line in a listbox
foreach (String uri in Get_selected_sites())
string cred = (creddict[uri]);
Thread thread = new Thread(() => Search(uri, cred, objectType, conditionType, conditionOperator, searchText));
thread.Start(); //start main "work" function
// Wait for all the threads to finish
foreach (Thread thread in workerThreads)
EnableInput(); //unlock input
Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; //set normal cursor
Search(uri, cred, objectType, conditionType, conditionOperator, searchText)
//Update toolStripStatusLabel with progress stored in global int variable
//This doesn't work well because it waits until Thread.join() to update status label.
//BeginInvoke(new Action(() => Results_Count.Text = "Total Results = " + totalResults));
//This doesn't work at all because the main thread is blocked on Thread.Join() -- it freezes the program
//statusStrip1.Invoke(new Action(() => Results_Count.Text = "Total Results = " + totalResults));
//This doesn't work/errors/crashes because the GUI is being modified by a thread other than main
//Results_Count.Text = "Total Results = " + totalResults;
async void Button_Search_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)()
DisableInput(); //Block input on start of function
Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; //set wait cursor
//read combobox input
string objectType = comboBox_Object.SelectedItem.ToString();
string conditionType = comboBox_ConditionType.SelectedItem.ToString();
string conditionOperator = comboBox_equals.SelectedItem.ToString();
//create a list of worker threads
List<Task> workerTasks = new List<Task>();
//for each line in the textbox
foreach (string searchText in textBox_SearchText.Lines)
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchText)) continue;
//foreach line in a listbox
foreach (String uri in Get_selected_sites())
string cred = (creddict[uri]);
workerTasks.Add(Task.Run(() => Search(uri, cred, objectType, conditionType, conditionOperator, searchText)));
await Task.WhenAll(workerTasks);
EnableInput(); //unlock input
Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; //set normal cursor
这样,当任务为 运行 时,Button_Search_Click()
不会阻塞 UI 线程,您可以使用正常的 Invoke()
或您喜欢的任何机制post 更新到 UI 线程。