
Difference between software design and modeling and software analysis

建模 - 软件设计和软件分析之间的基本区别是什么。


  1. 需求收集和分析
  2. 设计
  3. 实施或编码
  4. 测试
  5. 部署
  6. 维护

软件设计不是制作图表。软件设计就是提高代码的灵活性和可重用性。图表仅用于在高层次上建模 "well-designed".


以下摘录可以稍微澄清"Software design"的误解含义:

"[...]When you are programming, you are doing detailed design. The manufacturing team for software is your compiler or interpreter. The source is the only complete specification of what the software will do. The cute boxes in class diagrams are not the design, they are a high level view of the design."

What is Software Design?