检索 Lync 客户端的呼叫转移(路由)规则

Retrieve call forwarding (routing) rules of a Lync client

如何使用 UCMA 或 MSPL 检索 lyn 客户端的呼叫转移(路由)规则? 我尝试使用 UserEndpoint 并订阅 RemotePresenceViewPresenceNotificationReceived 事件来检索它。 不幸的是,这似乎不起作用。根据 msdn documentation 只能通过本地访问 (LocalOwnerPresence) 查询路由类别。

另一种选择是使用 ApplicationEndpoint 来模拟我想要为其检索呼叫转移规则的每个用户。但在我看来,这似乎是一个肮脏的解决方案。

这也可以用 MSPL 完成吗?

This question has three links that quite nicely explain how to achieve this using UCMA (specifically the first one).


Another options would be to use an ApplicationEndpoint of impersonate every user for which I want the retrieve the call forwarding rules. But in my eyes this seems to be a dirty solution.


如果您想在 MSPL 中完成此操作,请查看 QueryCategory。问题是你需要正确的 ContainerNumberInstance ids.

但是,如果您查找它们(请参阅 MSDN for Presence data source and category instance ID) you will find there is no instance numbers listed for routing. The container number info can be found here: Routing category instance value element,并且确实列出了一些实例 ID。

有趣的一点是路由数据被分类为"local only",参见Local-access only category instances:

The routing category instances contain routing rules to forward inbound calls made by any members of a hosting container. They are private category instances and are not visible to the remote users who are members of the hosting containers.

到目前为止,我还没有找到 name ('routing')、ContainerNumberInstance id 的组合给出任何结果,所以如果你找到任何东西请更新。