初始创建后无法下载 Apple Developer 密钥

Unable to download Apple Developer keys after initial creation

在我的 Apple 开发者帐户中,我创建了一个密钥,用于我所有应用程序的 APNs。在创建时,它允许我在完成后下载它。之后 'download' 按钮变灰,我无法再次下载。大概这是设计使然。

谁能告诉我为什么它不允许像 certificates/profiles 那样进行第二次下载?

您不能 re-download IOS 推送通知授权密钥。只有 public 密钥由 Apple 保留,而私钥由您保留和保护。

参见文档部分 Provider-to-APNs Connection Trust

Token-based provider connection trust: A provider using the HTTP/2-based API can use JSON web tokens (JWT) to provide validation credentials for connection with APNs. In this scheme, you provision a public key to be retained by Apple, and a private key which you retain and protect.


Download and Back Up After downloading your key, it cannot be re-downloaded as the server copy is removed. If you are not prepared to download your key at this time, click Done and download it at a later time. Be sure to save a backup of your key in a secure place.