List 中的 contains() 方法未按预期工作

contains() method in List not working as expected


"Returns 如果此列表包含指定元素则为真。更正式地说,当且仅当此列表包含至少一个元素 e 时 returns 为真 (o ==null ? e==null : o.equals(e))。 "

我在 class 中覆盖了 equals() 方法,但是 contains() 在我检查

时仍然 returns 我是假的


class Animal implements Comparable<Animal>{
    int legs;
    Animal(int legs){this.legs=legs;}
    public int compareTo(Animal otherAnimal){
        return this.legs-otherAnimal.legs;
    public String toString(){return this.getClass().getName();}

    public boolean equals(Animal otherAnimal){
        return (this.legs==otherAnimal.legs) && 

    public int hashCode(){
        byte[] byteVal = this.getClass().getName().getBytes();
        int sum=0;
        for(int i=0, n=byteVal.length; i<n ; i++)
        return sum;

class Spider extends Animal{
    Spider(int legs){super(legs);}
class Dog extends Animal{
    Dog(int legs){super(legs);}
class Man extends Animal{
    Man(int legs){super(legs);}

请原谅 classes 背后的坏概念,但我只是在测试对我的概念的理解。

现在,当我尝试这个时,它会打印 false,即使 equals 被覆盖了

List<Animal> li=new ArrayList<Animal>();
Animal a1=new Dog(4);
li.add(new Man(2));
li.add(new Spider(6));

List<Animal> li2=new ArrayList<Animal>();
Collections.addAll(li2,new Dog(4),new Man(2),new Spider(6));
System.out.println(li.contains(li2.get(0))); //should return true but returns false

您超载了 equals 而不是覆盖它。要覆盖 Objectequals 方法,您必须使用相同的签名,这意味着参数必须是 Object 类型。


public boolean equals(Object other){
    if (!(other instanceof Animal))
        return false;
    Animal otherAnimal = (Animal) other;
    return (this.legs==otherAnimal.legs) && 

作为JLS- specify

An instance method m1, declared in class C, overrides another instance method m2, declared in class A , if all of the following are true:

C is a subclass of A.

The signature of m1 is a subsignature  of the signature of m2.


m2 is public, protected, or declared with default access in the same package as C, or

m1 overrides a method m3 (m3 distinct from m1, m3 distinct from m2), such that m3 overrides m2.

签名 必须相同才能覆盖,在您的情况下将被忽略!!!