使用语句传播语法 ES6

Spread syntax ES6 with statement


hintStyle: disabled ? {...globalStyles.hint, ...globalStyles.hintDisabled} : globalStyles.hint,


hintStyle: {...globalStyles.hint, {disabled ? ...globalStyles.hintDisabled : {}}},


{...globalStyles.hint, ...(disabled ? globalStyles.hintDisabled : {})},

我 运行 今天遇到了同样的问题,我的用例很简单,我可以这样做:

// given any-typed parameters a and b, I want to append b to a
// if a is iterable, I want to use spread.
// Initially I had:

const fn1 = (a, b) => [Symbol.iterator in a ? ...a : a, b]

// This was my solution:

const fn2 = (a, b) => Symbol.iterator in a ? [...a, b] : [a, b];