实施 Java 注释以进行验证

Implement Java annotations for validation

我想从 org.hibernate.validator.internal.constraintvalidators. 手动调用一个值的验证器,因为我无法注释 class。我所做的是这样的:

LengthValidator validator = new LengthValidator();
validator.initialize(new Length() {
    public Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType() {
        return null;

    public Class<? extends Payload>[] payload() {
        return null;

    public int min() {
        return min == null ? defaultMin : min;

    public String message() {
        return null;

    public int max() {
        return max == null ? defaultMax : max;

    public Class<?>[] groups() {
        return null;
Boolean valid = validator.isValid(myValue.asText(), null));

但是 Sonar 并不开心:

Lambdas and anonymous classes should not have too many lines

所以我尝试通过在自定义 class 中实现 @Length 来重构此代码,如下所示:

public class StringLength implements Length {
    // All the methods overriden from @Length


The annotation type Length should not be used as a superinterface for StringLength


请注意,不鼓励使用内部 classes,但如果您真的想要,可以使用 Hibernate Validator AnnotationFactory:

  AnnotationDescriptor<Length> descriptor = new AnnotationDescriptor<Length>( Length.class );
  descriptor.setValue( "min", 0 );
  descriptor.setValue( "max", 10 );

  Length lengthAnnotation = AnnotationFactory.create( descriptor );

虽然我不太确定,您使用 LengthValidator 会得到什么。您仍然无法使用 Validator 框架,对吗?如果不能注解class,能不能不用XML配置代替?