仅使用 XPath 在 VTD-XML 中进行动态查找

Dynamic lookup in VTD-XML using only XPath

我正在尝试使用 XPath 表达式查找引用 VTD-XML 中当前元素的元素。所以说我的 XML 包含书籍和评级,看起来像这样:

  <book id="1" name="Book1"/>
  <book id="2" name="Book1"/>
  <rating book-id="1" value="5"/>
  <rating book-id="2" value="3"/>

首先,我遍历所有书籍元素。然后,对于每本书,我想执行一个 XPath 表达式来获取该书的评分。例如:


这不起作用,因为 current() 函数是 XSLT 独有的。因此,我尝试将名为 "current" 的变量表达式声明为“.”。意思是 "the current book",但这也不起作用,因为(顾名思义)变量表达式不存储表达式的结果,而是表达式本身。

有没有办法在 VTD-XML 中仅使用 XPath 表达式来实现这种效果? (我知道在代码中有多种方法,但我想使用纯 XPath,以便用户可以轻松创建描述其数据格式的配置文件)

编辑: 接受的答案的结果是我想要的东西不能使用单个 XPath 表达式来完成。我最后添加了一个选项,这样用户就可以基本上指定如何找到当前图书的唯一标识符(即“./@id”,或者可能是“./isbn”)。然后我的代码执行此表达式并将结果替换为评分搜索 XPath 中的某些占位符(例如“$$”)。

//*/rating[./@book-id=//book/@id]/@value 这样的 XPath 表达式应该只检索与可用图书 ID 匹配的评分的评分值。

如果您将 <rating book-id="3" value="4"/> 添加到 XML 文档,则 XPath 将 return 仅为第 1 本书和第 2 本书的值 53没有 ID 为 3 的图书。

使用 VTD 的简单测试方法如下所示:

public void xpathReference() throws Exception {
    byte[] bytes = ("<root>\n"
                 + "  <book id=\"1\" name=\"Book1\"/>\n"
                 + "  <book id=\"2\" name=\"Book1\"/>\n"
                 + "  <rating book-id=\"1\" value=\"5\"/>\n"
                 + "  <rating book-id=\"2\" value=\"3\"/>\n"
                 + "  <rating book-id=\"3\" value=\"4\"/>\n"
                 + "</root>").getBytes();

    VTDGen vtdGenerator = new VTDGen();
    VTDNav vtdNavigator = vtdGenerator.getNav();

    AutoPilot autoPilot = new AutoPilot(vtdNavigator);
    int id;
    int count = 0;
    while ((id = autoPilot.evalXPath()) != -1) {
        String elementName = vtdNavigator.toString(id);
        int text = vtdNavigator.getAttrVal(elementName);
        String txt = text != -1 ? vtdNavigator.toNormalizedString(text) : "";
        System.out.println("Found match at ID " + id + " in field name '" + elementName + "' with value '" + txt + "'");
    System.out.println("Total number of matches: " + count);
    assertThat(count, is(equalTo(2)));


Found match at ID 15 in field name 'value' with value '5'
Found match at ID 20 in field name 'value' with value '3'
Total number of matches: 2


public void xpathReference() throws Exception {
    byte[] bytes = ("<root>\n"
                    + "  <book id=\"1\" name=\"Book1\"/>\n"
                    + "  <book id=\"2\" name=\"Book2\"/>\n"
                    + "  <book id=\"4\" name=\"Book3\"/>\n"
                    + "  <rating book-id=\"1\" value=\"5\"/>\n"
                    + "  <rating book-id=\"2\" value=\"3\"/>\n"
                    + "  <rating book-id=\"3\" value=\"4\"/>\n"
                    + "</root>").getBytes();

    VTDGen vtdGenerator = new VTDGen();
    VTDNav vtdNavigator = vtdGenerator.getNav();

    AutoPilot autoPilot = new AutoPilot(vtdNavigator);
    int id;
    int count = 0;
    while ((id = autoPilot.evalXPath()) != -1) {
        String elementName = vtdNavigator.toString(id);
        int bookId_id = vtdNavigator.getAttrVal(elementName);
        String bookId = bookId_id != -1 ? vtdNavigator.toNormalizedString(bookId_id) : "";

        AutoPilot xpathBookName = new AutoPilot(vtdNavigator);
        xpathBookName.selectXPath("//book[@id=" + bookId + "]/@name");
        String bookName = xpathBookName.evalXPathToString();

        AutoPilot xpathRating = new AutoPilot(vtdNavigator);
        xpathRating.selectXPath("//rating[@book-id=" + bookId + "]/@value");
        String bookRating = xpathRating.evalXPathToString();

        if ("".equals(bookRating)) {
            System.out.println("Book " + bookName + " with id " + bookId + " has no rating yet");
        } else {
            System.out.println("Book " + bookName + " with id " + bookId + " has a rating of " + bookRating);
    System.out.println("Total number of matches: " + count);
    assertThat(count, is(equalTo(3)));


Book Book1 with id 1 has a rating of 5
Book Book2 with id 2 has a rating of 3
Book Book3 with id 4 has no rating yet
Total number of matches: 2


... and yes, it is easy to just get the id of the current book in Java code and then construct an XPath expression with that, but as I explained, I want the user to be able to use XPath to define their document format, so I don't want any format-specific stuff in the code

VTD 仅支持 XPath 1.0。如果您(或您的客户)能够提出 XPath 1.0 查询,您应该也能够通过 VTD 提取相应的值。我想,普通的 XPath 查询的表现力不足以直接提供您需要的内容。

由于该示例对于您需要的用例来说可能过于简单,因此很难就如何设计您的应用程序来处理此类场景给出任何建议。也许用更详细的例子更新你的问题。处理此问题的一种简单方法是引入必须单独定义的占位符变量,然后在尝试执行此类 XPath 表达式时遇到此类占位符时,只需将这些占位符替换为先前提取的值的具体值。