是否可以在没有应用程序的情况下从信标向 Android 用户广播消息

Is it possible to broadcast a message to Android users from a beacon without an app

有一项正在推广的技术声称能够从信标向任何 Android 在信标范围内启用蓝牙的用户广播推送通知,对用户的要求很少或没有为此目的下载应用程序,或做任何超出 many/most Android 用户已经完成的事情:






查看 documentation here:

There are two basic types of experiences that you can provide using Nearby Notifications:

  • Link to an HTTPS URL to provide a notification to the user, and open the URL in the browser when the user taps the notification.

  • Trigger an app intent to launch an app that is already installed and perform a specific action. If the app isn't installed, the user is taken to the Play Store where the app can be installed; the user can then continue to the feature specified by the developer.

Neither experience requires that an app is installed on the user's device

所以基本上第一个选项通过发布消息在通知区域放置消息of the format:

    "title": "Find out why this message has appeared on your device!",
    "url": ""