如何使用 SQL 获取每月的最大日期
How to get the max date per month using SQL
出了点问题,我意识到我没有得到我想要的。我在 table 中有以下几行:
0000527746 1000 10.06.2017 20170718100757.5010080
0000527746 1000 10.06.2017 20170718100757.5039300
0000527746 1000 11.06.2017 20170718100839.9209480
0000527746 1000 11.06.2017 20170718100906.3337170
0000527746 1000 24.07.2017 20170718095843.3555610
0000527746 1000 24.07.2017 20170718100209.2203570
0000527746 1000 24.07.2017 20170718100757.4970390
我想 select 每个月的最后一天,即我希望 select 给我带来以下几行
0000527746 1000 11.06.2017 20170718100906.3337170
0000527746 1000 24.07.2017 20170718100757.4970390
select bukrs kunnr dat max( time ) as time
from zcollectoraction into corresponding fields of table it_collectoraction
where bukrs = p_bukrs and
kunnr in so_kunnr and
dat in so_date
group by bukrs kunnr dat.
0000527746 1000 11.06.2017 20170718100906.3337170
0000527746 1000 11.06.2017 20170718100906.3337170
0000527746 1000 24.07.2017 20170718100757.4970390
如何才能每月有 1 行?
您需要的是 group by
而不是 dat
,而是按月和年 - 此子句有效:
GROUP BY bukrs, kunnr, MONTH(dat), YEAR(dat)
我通过执行 2 selects 解决了这个问题。
在第一天,我使用以下 selection
select bukrs kunnr yearmonth max( dat ) as dat
from zcollectoraction into corresponding fields of table it_collectoraction
where bukrs = p_bukrs and
kunnr in so_kunnr and
dat in so_date
group by bukrs kunnr yearmonth.
然后我循环到内部 table 以填充剩余数据和 select 所有记录的最大时间,尤其是当每个 bukrs、kunnr 和超过 1 行时日期。
select single * from zcollectoraction
into corresponding fields of wa_collectoraction
where bukrs = wa_collectoraction-bukrs and
kunnr = wa_collectoraction-kunnr and
dat = wa_collectoraction-dat and
time = ( select max( time ) as time
from zcollectoraction
where bukrs = wa_collectoraction-bukrs and
kunnr = wa_collectoraction-kunnr and
dat = wa_collectoraction-dat ).
1) 您可以将 yearmonth 字段添加到您的数据库 table。并将此字段添加到 group by statement.
0000527746 1000 10.06.2017 20170718100757.5010080 201706
0000527746 1000 10.06.2017 20170718100757.5039300 201706
0000527746 1000 11.06.2017 20170718100839.9209480 201706
0000527746 1000 11.06.2017 20170718100906.3337170 201706
0000527746 1000 24.07.2017 20170718095843.3555610 201707
0000527746 1000 24.07.2017 20170718100209.2203570 201707
0000527746 1000 24.07.2017 20170718100757.4970390 201707
select bukrs kunnr dat max( time ) as time
from zcollectoraction into corresponding fields of table
where bukrs = p_bukrs and
kunnr in so_kunnr and
dat in so_date
group by bukrs kunnr dat yearmonth.
2) 你可以select所有的数据并排列在循环语句中。或者您可以使用旧的 select 查询根本没有关系。
select bukrs kunnr dat time
from zcollectoraction into corresponding fields of table
where bukrs = p_bukrs and
kunnr in so_kunnr and
dat in so_date .
loop at it_collectoraction into data(ls_coll).
delete it_collectoraction[] WHERE dat(6) = ls_coll-dat(6)
and dat < = ls_coll-dat
and time < ls_coll-time.
出了点问题,我意识到我没有得到我想要的。我在 table 中有以下几行:
0000527746 1000 10.06.2017 20170718100757.5010080
0000527746 1000 10.06.2017 20170718100757.5039300
0000527746 1000 11.06.2017 20170718100839.9209480
0000527746 1000 11.06.2017 20170718100906.3337170
0000527746 1000 24.07.2017 20170718095843.3555610
0000527746 1000 24.07.2017 20170718100209.2203570
0000527746 1000 24.07.2017 20170718100757.4970390
我想 select 每个月的最后一天,即我希望 select 给我带来以下几行
0000527746 1000 11.06.2017 20170718100906.3337170
0000527746 1000 24.07.2017 20170718100757.4970390
select bukrs kunnr dat max( time ) as time
from zcollectoraction into corresponding fields of table it_collectoraction
where bukrs = p_bukrs and
kunnr in so_kunnr and
dat in so_date
group by bukrs kunnr dat.
0000527746 1000 11.06.2017 20170718100906.3337170
0000527746 1000 11.06.2017 20170718100906.3337170
0000527746 1000 24.07.2017 20170718100757.4970390
如何才能每月有 1 行?
您需要的是 group by
而不是 dat
,而是按月和年 - 此子句有效:
GROUP BY bukrs, kunnr, MONTH(dat), YEAR(dat)
您好,感谢您的回答。 我通过执行 2 selects 解决了这个问题。 在第一天,我使用以下 selection
获得本月的最后一天或几天select bukrs kunnr yearmonth max( dat ) as dat
from zcollectoraction into corresponding fields of table it_collectoraction
where bukrs = p_bukrs and
kunnr in so_kunnr and
dat in so_date
group by bukrs kunnr yearmonth.
然后我循环到内部 table 以填充剩余数据和 select 所有记录的最大时间,尤其是当每个 bukrs、kunnr 和超过 1 行时日期。
select single * from zcollectoraction
into corresponding fields of wa_collectoraction
where bukrs = wa_collectoraction-bukrs and
kunnr = wa_collectoraction-kunnr and
dat = wa_collectoraction-dat and
time = ( select max( time ) as time
from zcollectoraction
where bukrs = wa_collectoraction-bukrs and
kunnr = wa_collectoraction-kunnr and
dat = wa_collectoraction-dat ).
再次感谢 埃利亚斯
这个问题我觉得有两种解决方法。 1) 您可以将 yearmonth 字段添加到您的数据库 table。并将此字段添加到 group by statement.
0000527746 1000 10.06.2017 20170718100757.5010080 201706
0000527746 1000 10.06.2017 20170718100757.5039300 201706
0000527746 1000 11.06.2017 20170718100839.9209480 201706
0000527746 1000 11.06.2017 20170718100906.3337170 201706
0000527746 1000 24.07.2017 20170718095843.3555610 201707
0000527746 1000 24.07.2017 20170718100209.2203570 201707
0000527746 1000 24.07.2017 20170718100757.4970390 201707
select bukrs kunnr dat max( time ) as time
from zcollectoraction into corresponding fields of table
where bukrs = p_bukrs and
kunnr in so_kunnr and
dat in so_date
group by bukrs kunnr dat yearmonth.
2) 你可以select所有的数据并排列在循环语句中。或者您可以使用旧的 select 查询根本没有关系。
select bukrs kunnr dat time
from zcollectoraction into corresponding fields of table
where bukrs = p_bukrs and
kunnr in so_kunnr and
dat in so_date .
loop at it_collectoraction into data(ls_coll).
delete it_collectoraction[] WHERE dat(6) = ls_coll-dat(6)
and dat < = ls_coll-dat
and time < ls_coll-time.