如何获取 parsley.js 以验证其中一个字段是否具有最小值等于 1 的数字

how to get parsley.js to validate if one of the fields has number with a with a minimum value equal to 1

我的表格上有成人、儿童和婴儿字段。所有这 3 个字段都有一个默认值,即 0。我使用的是 parsley 官方网站上的 parsley to validate the form. I need parsley to validate if at least one of the fields has a value greater than 0. It's should validate the form if one of the fields is bigger then 0. If not it should give an error when trying to submit. I used this 示例。


    <input  type="text" name="nAdults" id="nAdults" value="0" data-parsley-group="block1" class="form-control " />

    <input  type="text" name="nChildren" id="nChildren" value="0" data-parsley-group="block2" class="form-control "/> 

    <input  type="text" name="nBabies" id="nBabies" value="0" data-parsley-group="block3" class="form-control " /> 

<script type="text/javascript">
            //parsley validate
            var form = $('#{{ $pageModule }}FormAjax'); 
            form.parsley().on('form:validate', function (formInstance) {
            var ok = formInstance.isValid({group: 'block1', force: true}) || formInstance.isValid({group: 'block2', force: true}) || formInstance.isValid({group: 'block3', force: true});
            $('.invalid-form-error-message').html(ok ? '' : 'You must fill at least one of the Adult, Child or FOC Fields!').toggleClass('filled', !ok);
            if (!ok)
            formInstance.validationResult = false;
            //form submit
            form.on('submit', function(e) {
                var f = $(this);
                if (f.parsley().isValid()) {
                    var options = { 
                        dataType:      'json', 
                        beforeSubmit :  showRequest,
                        success:       showResponse  
                    return false;
                else    { 
                    return false; }

如果您能告诉我如何验证这 3 个字段,我将不胜感激。当我写

data-parsley-min="1" 它期望所有字段都具有最小值。但我只需要一个字段具有最小值“1”。

您必须编写自定义验证器。 Here你能找到一个很好的例子吗,如何做到这一点。

my own working example(查看控制台)

// bind event after form validation
$.listen('parsley:form:validated', function(ParsleyForm) {
// We only do this for specific forms
if (ParsleyForm.$element.attr('id') == 'myForm') {
    var combinations = ParsleyForm.$element.find('input')
        ParsleyForm.validationResult = true;