在 Windows 上安装 Sylius - symfony3

install Sylius - symfony3 on Windows


php bin/console sylius:install


    C:\wamp\www\p>php bin/console sylius:install
Installing Sylius...

      `::;`  :`
       :::`   `          .'++:           ''.   '.
       `:::             :+',;+'          :+;  `+.
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   ,;;;;;;;;;:::`                  ;'
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Step 1 of 4. Checking system requirements.

| Issue                      | Recommendation                                  |
| Version de PHP recommandée |                                                 |
| Accélérateur               | Activez le OpCache Zend (fortement recommandé). |
Success! Your system can run Sylius properly.

Step 2 of 4. Setting up the database.

Creating Sylius database for environment dev.
It appears that your database already exists.
Warning! This action will erase your database.
Would you like to reset it? (y/N) y
 0/5 [Γûæ                           ]   0%
 1/5 [ΓûæΓûæΓûæΓûæΓûæΓûæ                      ]  20%
 2/5 [ΓûæΓûæΓûæΓûæΓûæΓûæΓûæΓûæΓûæΓûæΓûæΓûæ                ]  40%
 3/5 [ΓûæΓûæΓûæΓûæΓûæΓûæΓûæΓûæΓûæΓûæΓûæΓûæΓûæΓûæΓûæΓûæΓûæ           ]  60%

  Warning: glob(): Pattern exceeds the maximum allowed length of 260 characte
  rs in C:\wamp\www\p\src\Sylius\Bundle\AdminBundle/Resources/config/routing/
  admin_user.yml (which is being imported from "C:\wamp\www\p\src\Sylius\Bund

  Warning: glob(): Pattern exceeds the maximum allowed length of 260 characte

cache:clear [--no-warmup] [--no-optional-warmers] [-h|--help] [-q|--quiet] [-v|vv|vvv|--verbose] [-V|--version] [--ansi] [--no-ansi] [-n|--no-interaction] [-e|--env ENV] [--no-debug] [--] <command>


Sylius 使用内联 yaml 资源格式(您可以通过搜索 resource: | 找到它),它被 Symfony 3.3 路由错误地识别为 glob 模式。这在 Unix 系统上没有问题,它对 glob 模式没有长度限制,但它会在 Windows 上中断(因为它有时超过 260 个字符)。

根本问题在 https://github.com/symfony/symfony/issues/22938 中有更多背景描述,可以通过在 \Symfony\Component\Config\Loader\FileLoader::import() 的 glob 模式识别中添加对换行符的检查来防止,如下所示:

84:      public function import($resource, $type = null, $ignoreErrors = false, $sourceResource = null)
85:      {
86: -        if (is_string($resource) && strlen($resource) !== $i = strcspn($resource, '*?{[')) {
86: +        if (is_string($resource) && false === strpos($resource, "\n") && strlen($resource) !== $i = strcspn($resource, '*?{[')) {
87:              $ret = array();
88:              $isSubpath = 0 !== $i && false !== strpos(substr($resource, 0, $i), '/');

也可以通过重写所有内联 yaml 路由配置以避免字符 *?{[ 在 Sylius 中修复它。我只找到像这样的数组:

except: ['show']


    - 'show'

从而避免触发 glob 模式识别。


通过注册表编辑 (http://www.howtogeek.com/266621/how-to-make-windows-10-accept-file-paths-over-260-characters/) 删除 Windows 中的 260 个字符路径限制根本没有帮助。可能在 PHP 本身检查了 glob 模式的 260 限制。