Microsoft 的 "grid column label" 是什么?

What is the "grid column label" for Microsoft?

我正在学习 ASP.NET Core,如何在 View 上显示 Model 属性...

所以,我发现 DisplayAttribute.ShortName property

Gets or sets a value that is used for the grid column label.


The short name is used as the grid column label for a UI element that is bound to the property that is annotated with this attribute. The Dynamic Data Insert.aspx and Edit.aspx page templates use the ShortName for the field label.

MS "grid column label" 是什么意思?

我认为我使用了它,但获得了 Name 而不是 ShortName

                @Html.DisplayNameFor(model => model.Date) <!--Creation Date-->
                @Html.DisplayNameFor(model => model.Name) <!--Project Name-->


[Display(Name = "Creation Date", ShortName = "Date")]
public DateTime Date { get { return this.Timestamp.DateTime; } }

[Display(Name = "Project Name", ShortName = "Name")]
public string Name { get; set; }


我已经看到 a very helpful answer 如何构建一个 自定义 助手,可以使用它来执行自定义 @Html.DisplayShortNameFor(),但我想知道 它的创建目的是什么,如果不创建额外的并且主要是社区自定义助手共享的内容就不可能使用它,那可能应该包含在框架中?!我错过了什么吗?

什么是 "grid column label"、Insert.aspxEdit.aspx 模板(用于 " core" 用法)?


The Dynamic Data Insert.aspx and Edit.aspx page templates use the ShortName for the field label

大概是ASP.NET Dynamic Data:

ASP.NET Dynamic Data lets you create extensible data-driven Web applications by inferring at run time the appearance and behavior of data entities from the database schema and deriving UI behavior from it.

从未使用过,似乎在 VS2017 上不可用。

可能 NomeEmailBlog 在以下屏幕截图中: