
How do you process multiple fields running through a pipe?

如果我有一个制表符分隔的数据文件 input.dat,格式如下:

#id  acct    name   city          age
 12  100290  Sally  San Francisco 24
 15  102911  Jerry  Sacramento    40
 99  102134  Amir   Eureka        82

我可以使用 cut(1) 或类似于 运行 的多个处理函数 ex:( lookup_id, scrub_acct, scrub_name, lookup_city, scrub_age) 每个字段作为通过管道的数据 运行s 吗?


cat input.dat | cut -f1 | lookup_id > output.dat

但我想知道是否有办法针对每个字段执行此操作,并将结果重定向到 output.dat

#id  acct    name   city          age
 AA  XXXXX0  SXXXX  city-57       20s
 AC  XXXXX1  JXXXX  city-29       40s
 AF  XXXXX4  AXXXX  city-100      80s


我也在考虑 paste(1) 可能是一种替代方法,而不是将列粘在一起,但也许有更好的方法。

用 awk 试试这样的东西:

awk -F'\t' '{system("lookup_id "  ); printf("\t"); \
             system("scrub_acct " ); printf("\t"); \
            }' input.dat

通常在 awk 中处理行、列数据更容易,但由于 shell 函数的参与,最好在 shell 本身中处理。

假设 lookup_id, scrub_acct, scrub_name, lookup_city, scrub_age 是 shell 从 stdin 读取输入的函数或脚本,您可以创建它们的数组并在循环遍历输入文件中的每条记录时调用它们:

# example shell functions
lookup_id() { read str; printf "lookup_id: %s\n" "$str"; }
scrub_acct() { read str; printf "scrub_acct: %s\n" "$str"; }
scrub_name() { read str; printf "scrub_name: %s\n" "$str"; }
lookup_city() { read str; printf "lookup_city: %s\n" "$str"; }
scrub_age() { read str; printf "scrub_age: %s\n" "$str"; }    

# array of functions or scripts to be invoked
fnarr=(lookup_id scrub_acct scrub_name lookup_city scrub_age)

# main processing
while IFS=$'\t' read -ra ary; do
   for ((i=0; i<${#ary[@]}; i++)); do
      # call function for each field value
      "${fnarr[i]}" <<< "${ary[i]}"
   echo '============================='
done < <(tail -n +2 file)


lookup_id: 12
scrub_acct: 100290
scrub_name: Sally
lookup_city: San Francisco
scrub_age: 24
lookup_id: 15
scrub_acct: 102911
scrub_name: Jerry
lookup_city: Sacramento
scrub_age: 40
lookup_id: 99
scrub_acct: 102134
scrub_name: Amir
lookup_city: Eureka
scrub_age: 82