GAE 提供 django 静态文件的方法是否有效?

Is GAE's method of serving django static files efficient?

Django docs it mentions that in production using the built in server to serve static files is "grossly inefficient". However according to Google App Engine's documentation 他们不推荐任何特殊的服务静态文件。

GAE 是否在后端执行某些操作以提供静态文件 'more efficiently'?当前的实施是否不够理想?有没有更好的方法来提供静态文件?

我之前在 Heroku 上发布过,其中最好使用 Amazon S3 来提供静态文件。

Google 文档并不是说 Django 应该提供静态文件,它只是说你应该使用 staticfiles 应用程序将你的静态文件收集到一个目录中最终由GAE服务。

您可以实际阅读文档serving static files via GAE with python here

... there are many cases where you want to serve static files directly to the web browser. Images, CSS stylesheets, JavaScript code, movies and Flash animations are all typically stored with a web application and served directly to the browser. App Engine can serve specific files directly without you having to code your own handler.