使用 VBA 在 Excel 中查找包含搜索字符串的单元格位置
Find cell position containing search string in Excel using VBA
这是查找 table:
city contact person phone
San Francisco Peter Foo 123
San Francisco Steve Foo 321
New York Max Foo 456
我正在尝试使用 VBA 查找联系人的详细信息:
city = Sheets("General User Information").Cells(14, 2).Value
Set cx = Sheets("Cities").Columns(1).Select
Set cy.Find(city)
If Not cy Is Nothing Then
'here I need to access the contact person and phone but unfortunately
'fail with various errors (i.e. object required, run time error, etc)
cyFirst = cy.Address
'do something
Set cy = cx.FindNext(cy)
Loop Until cy.Address = cyFirst
End If
请告诉我如何访问联系人和 phone。请注意,可能会找到一个或多个条目。非常感谢!
您需要使用 Range
对象的 Offset
功能。这允许您 select 使用 cell/range 作为起始位置的单元格。
' Range.Offset(rows, columns)
Debug.print "City: " & cy.Value2
' Read the cell one column to the right of cy
Debug.print "Contact Person:" & cy.Offset(0,1).Value2
' Read the cell two columns to the right of cy
Debug.print "Phone: " & cy.Offset(0,2).Value2
您的代码中有两个主要问题区域。第二行不应在末尾添加 .Select
Set cx = Sheets("Cities").Columns(1)
第三行应该尝试将 cy 设置为在 cx.
Set cy = cx.Find(city)
Dim city As String, cyFirst As String, cx As Range, cy As Range
city = Sheets("General User Information").Cells(14, 2).Value
Set cx = Sheets("Cities").Columns(1)
Set cy = cx.Find(city)
If Not cy Is Nothing Then
cyFirst = cy.Address
With Sheets("General User Information")
'do something
'do something
End With
Set cy = cx.FindNext(cy)
Loop Until cy.Address = cyFirst
End If
one of the examples how the search can be implemented
Sub test()
Dim sSearchCriteriaCity$, oCell As Range, i&, x&
i = 0: x = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
' search criteria goes into inputbox
' it is better to use the user form for several criterias of searching
sSearchCriteriaCity = UCase(InputBox("Provide Search Criteria"))
If sSearchCriteriaCity = "" Then GoTo exitsub 'Exit if criteria was not provided
For Each oCell In ActiveSheet.Range("A2:A" & x) 'Column with city
If UCase(oCell.Value) Like "*" & sSearchCriteriaCity & "*" Then
oCell.Interior.Color = vbRed ' color cell with red
i = i + 1
oCell.Interior.Color = xlNone ' remove color from cell
End If
If i = 0 Then
MsgBox "Data matched with search criteria was not found!"
ElseIf i > 1 Then
MsgBox "Matched, " & i & " records found!"
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Criteria was not provided!"
End Sub
这是查找 table:
city contact person phone
San Francisco Peter Foo 123
San Francisco Steve Foo 321
New York Max Foo 456
我正在尝试使用 VBA 查找联系人的详细信息:
city = Sheets("General User Information").Cells(14, 2).Value
Set cx = Sheets("Cities").Columns(1).Select
Set cy.Find(city)
If Not cy Is Nothing Then
'here I need to access the contact person and phone but unfortunately
'fail with various errors (i.e. object required, run time error, etc)
cyFirst = cy.Address
'do something
Set cy = cx.FindNext(cy)
Loop Until cy.Address = cyFirst
End If
问题: 请告诉我如何访问联系人和 phone。请注意,可能会找到一个或多个条目。非常感谢!
您需要使用 Range
对象的 Offset
功能。这允许您 select 使用 cell/range 作为起始位置的单元格。
' Range.Offset(rows, columns)
Debug.print "City: " & cy.Value2
' Read the cell one column to the right of cy
Debug.print "Contact Person:" & cy.Offset(0,1).Value2
' Read the cell two columns to the right of cy
Debug.print "Phone: " & cy.Offset(0,2).Value2
您的代码中有两个主要问题区域。第二行不应在末尾添加 .Select
Set cx = Sheets("Cities").Columns(1)
第三行应该尝试将 cy 设置为在 cx.
中找到的内容Set cy = cx.Find(city)
Dim city As String, cyFirst As String, cx As Range, cy As Range
city = Sheets("General User Information").Cells(14, 2).Value
Set cx = Sheets("Cities").Columns(1)
Set cy = cx.Find(city)
If Not cy Is Nothing Then
cyFirst = cy.Address
With Sheets("General User Information")
'do something
'do something
End With
Set cy = cx.FindNext(cy)
Loop Until cy.Address = cyFirst
End If
one of the examples how the search can be implemented
Sub test()
Dim sSearchCriteriaCity$, oCell As Range, i&, x&
i = 0: x = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
' search criteria goes into inputbox
' it is better to use the user form for several criterias of searching
sSearchCriteriaCity = UCase(InputBox("Provide Search Criteria"))
If sSearchCriteriaCity = "" Then GoTo exitsub 'Exit if criteria was not provided
For Each oCell In ActiveSheet.Range("A2:A" & x) 'Column with city
If UCase(oCell.Value) Like "*" & sSearchCriteriaCity & "*" Then
oCell.Interior.Color = vbRed ' color cell with red
i = i + 1
oCell.Interior.Color = xlNone ' remove color from cell
End If
If i = 0 Then
MsgBox "Data matched with search criteria was not found!"
ElseIf i > 1 Then
MsgBox "Matched, " & i & " records found!"
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Criteria was not provided!"
End Sub