
What happens to my Enterprise apps after my Enterprise developer account membership expires?

我有一个 Apple 企业帐户。我的三个应用程序从这个帐户分发给我的用户。我不使用 App Store 分发这些应用程序,因为它们是企业应用程序。


  1. What will happen to my currently running apps on user devices (remember apps are not distributed via App Store)?
  2. What will happens if the user does a fresh install of my app?
  3. What will happen to my current account, will I able to access the account?
  4. Will my Enterprise certificate expire immediately?
  5. Will my provisioning profile expire immediately?
  1. 我目前在用户设备上的 运行 个应用程序会发生什么变化(记住应用程序不是通过 App Store 分发的)?
    运行 个应用程序不会受到任何影响,直到它们与 Apple 服务器建立连接。

  2. 如果用户全新安装我的应用程序会怎样?
    - 一个应用程序将下载到设备中但立即停止工作

  3. 我当前的帐户会发生什么情况,我可以访问该帐户吗?
    - 您可以访问您的帐户,但不能更改(change/modify 证书或配置文件)任何信息。

  4. 我的企业证书会立即过期吗?
    - 是的,但有时 Apple 会根据要求延长一周。

  5. 我的配置文件会立即过期吗?
    - 不,它们不会过期但会变成 ineffective/invalid(供应配置文件不起作用)。

更多信息:How to manage Enterprise Distribution certificate expiration?

扩展 K运行al 的回答:

  1. What will happen to my currently running apps on user devices (remember apps are not distributed via App Store)?

实际 运行ning 的应用程序(不只是安装,但仍在内存中 运行ning,应该继续 运行。但是,如果应用程序已停止并且必须由于任何原因重新启动,它可能会或可能不会 运行 在开发者帐户过期后的短时间内。当您的开发者帐户过期时,您的开发和分发证书将失效。这意味着如果设备确实检查在证书上,它们将无效并且应用程序不会 运行。您应该注意一些缓存,但它不允许应用程序在帐户后很长时间内 运行过期时间:

Certificate Validation

The first time an application is opened on a device, the distribution certificate is validated by contacting Apple’s OCSP server. Unless the certificate has been revoked, the app is allowed to run. Inability to contact or get a response from the OCSP server is not interpreted as a revocation. To verify the status, the device must be able to reach ocsp.apple.com. See“Network Configuration Requirements”(page 9).

The OCSP response is cached on the device for the period of time specified by the OCSP server—currently between 3 and 7 days. The validity of the certificate will not be checked again until the device has restarted and the cached response has expired. If a revocation is received at that time, the app will be prevented from running. Revoking a distribution certificate will invalidate all of the applications you have distributed.

An app will not run if the distribution certificate has expired. Currently, distribution certificates are valid for one year. A few weeks before your certificate expires, request a new distribution certificate from the iOS DevCenter, use it to create new distribution provisioning profiles, and then recompile and distribute the updated apps to your users. See “Providing Updated Apps” (page 10)

因此,如果用户在证书失效之前就启动了应用程序,那么缓存的 OCSP 响应充其量会给您额外一周的 运行 时间。无论如何,不​​久之后,应用程序将在 iOS 知道证书已被吊销后启动时立即退出。

  1. What will happens if the user does a fresh install of my app?

应用程序将不会安装。该应用程序将下载到设备,但是当 iOS 去安装下载的 ipa 时,它会检查现在已被吊销的证书,并取消安装。

  1. What will happen to my current account, will I able to access the account?

是的,您可以登录该帐户。它基本上会恢复为免费的开发者帐户。使用免费帐户,您仍然可以直接构建到设备,并且它们将与一个免费的开发人员配置文件一起安装,该配置文件将在 7 天后过期(相比之下,付费开发人员帐户为 365 天)。您也无法手动控制证书和配置文件。这意味着您无法创建分发证书和配置文件。

  1. Will my Enterprise certificate expire immediately?

是的,Apple 将在帐户过期时吊销您的证书并使您的配置文件失效。这意味着您将无法再使用证书/配置文件创建新版本。

  1. Will my provisioning profile expire immediately?
