PivotTable.js - 总和聚合器不显示零

PivotTable.js - sum aggregator does not show zeros

我正在使用 PivotTable.js 为报告透视一些数据。在报告中,我需要显示总和为零的行,并希望在总计列中显示该零。当使用 aggregatorTemplates.sum 时,零的总和似乎是一个黑色单元格。我想知道有没有办法渲染零?


var sum = $.pivotUtilities.aggregatorTemplates.sum;
var numberFormat = $.pivotUtilities.numberFormat;
var intFormat = numberFormat({digitsAfterDecimal: 0});

    {color: "green", shape: "null", value: 0},
    {color: "blue", shape: "circle", value: 1},
    {color: "red", shape: "triangle", value: 2},
    {color: "blue", shape: "circle", value: 3},
    {color: "red", shape: "triangle", value: 4}
    rows: ["color"],
    cols: ["shape"],
    aggregator: sum(intFormat)(["value"])

这是来自 https://pivottable.js.org/examples/simple_agg.html, modified to illustrate the issue I'm facing. This is also available in a fiddle https://jsfiddle.net/rgs258/dky0hh1y/ 的示例。

作为次要问题,我想知道是否有办法隐藏我的示例中的 'null' 列?


(我是图书馆作者 :)


您可以使用 filterexclusions 参数隐藏空列:https://github.com/nicolaskruchten/pivottable/wiki/Parameters