
Controlling the format of the text and the overall size of the legend in ggplot - continuous color

我正在绘制 ROC 曲线,并根据截止水平对其进行了着色。然而,图例中的数字过于拥挤,小数位数比需要的多,而且与图例的整体大小相比非常大。我想要一位小数、更多的值、更小的文本和更大的图例。但是我不知道如何控制这些参数。我的代码如下:

ggplot(Stats1_glm, aes(x = (1 - Specificity), y = Sensitivity, colour = Cut_Off)) +
  geom_line(size = 2) + theme_economist() + ggtitle("ROC Curve") +
  scale_color_gradient(low="blue", high="red") + xlab("False Alarm (1 - Specificity)") + ylab("Sensitivity (Recall)")



 ... + theme(legend.position = 'bottom', # Place the legend at the bottom
        legend.justification = c(1,0), # Position it at the right
        legend.key.width = unit(2.5, 'lines')) # Increase its width to 2.5 lines