在 F# 模式匹配中拆分代码块以提高可读性

Splitting out blocks of code in F# pattern matching for readability

// Standard pattern matching.
let Foo x =
  match x with
  | 1 ->
      // ... lots of code, only evaluated if x == 1
  | 2 ->
      // ... lots of code, only evaluated if x == 2

// Standard pattern matching separated out, causing exception.
let Bar x =
  let valueOne = //... lots of code, evaluated always. Exception if value <> 1.
  let valueTwo = //... lots of code, evaluated always. Exception if value <> 2.

  match x with
  | 1 -> valueOne
  | 2 -> valueTwo

在使用 "match" 的模式匹配中,每个模式的代码可能很大,请参阅上面的 Foo,这让我想将块拆分为单独的调用提高可读性。

这个问题可能是即使模式不匹配也会评估调用,如上面的 Bar 所示。


// ===== OPTION 1 =====
// Pattern matching separated out, lazy eval.
let Foo x =
  let valueOne = lazy //... lots of code, evaluated on Force().
  let valueTwo = lazy //... lots of code, evaluated on Force().

  match x with
  | 1 -> valueOne.Force()
  | 2 -> valueTwo.Force()

// ===== OPTION 2 =====
// Pattern matching separated out, with arguments.
let Foo x =
  let valueOne a = //... lots of code.
  let valueTwo a = //... lots of code.

  match x with
  | 1 -> valueOne x
  | 2 -> valueTwo x

// ===== OPTION 3 =====
// Active Pattern matching separated out, with arguments.
let Foo x = 
  let (|ValueOne|_|) inp =
    if inp = 1 then Some(...) else None

  let (|ValueTwo|_|) inp =
    if inp = 2 then Some(...) else None

  match x with
  | ValueOne a -> a
  | ValueTwo b -> b


There are two different pieces of simple data I may receive. Based on which one I receive, run a specific piece of code.

这与选项 2 完全对应。我可能会也可能不会像您那样嵌套函数,具体取决于上下文。其他两个选项会导致您的目标与代码不匹配。

选项 1:


I have information (or context) now from which I can build two different calculations, one of which may need to be run later. Construct both now, and then evaluate the one which is needed later.


选项 3:


I have some data which may fit into one of two cases. Determining which case holds requires some complex logic, and that logic may also have some overlap with the logic needed to determine the needed return value of the overall function. Move the logic to determine the case into a separate function (an active pattern in this case), and then use the return value of the active pattern to determine the resulting value of the function.



我可能只是将模式匹配的两个主体提取到采用 unit:

let caseOne () = 
  // Lots of code when x=1

let caseTwo () = 
  // Lots of code when x=2

let Foo x =
  match x with
  | 1 -> caseOne()
  | 2 -> caseTwo()

这类似于您使用 lazy 的解决方案,但由于我们从来 re-using 惰性值的结果,因此确实没有理由使用惰性值 - 函数更简单且它还延迟了 body.


如果您随后发现 caseOnecaseTwo 之间有一些共性,您可以再次将其提取到另一个函数中,它们都可以调用。