Puma 似乎没有打开它所说的端口

Puma does not seem to be opening the port it says it is

我正在开发一个 Rails 应用程序,使用 Puma 作为我本地机器上的服务器。

当我启动本地服务器时,日志清楚地表明 Puma 正在 localhost:3011:

=> Booting Puma
=> Rails 5.0.4 application starting in development on http://localhost:3011
=> Run `rails server -h` for more startup options
Puma starting in single mode...
* Version 3.9.1 (ruby 2.3.4-p301), codename: Private Caller
* Min threads: 5, max threads: 5
* Environment: development
* Listening on tcp://
Use Ctrl-C to stop


kevin@kevin-devbox:~/Programming$ netstat -an | grep "3011"
(there is no output)


前缀为=>的语句来自Rails,有时无法获得正确的信息。 You can see the source for that log statement here.

绑定端口真正重要的是 puma 的绑定,它在日志的下方显示。 You can see the source for that log here. 您可以通过几种不同的方式使它们发挥作用:

  • -p标志添加到服务器命令:rails s -p 3000
  • bind 'tcp://' 添加到 config/puma.rb