如何从 Google Places 获取一系列地点的坐标,然后在完成所有操作后使用结果?

How can I get coordinates from Google Places for an array of places and then use the results after all are done?


const places = ['King Square, London', 'Empire State Building', 'Great Wall of China'];


const places = [
  { name: 'King Square, London', position: { latitude: ..., longitude: ... } },


const places = [];

['King Square, London', 'Empire State Building', 'Great Wall of China'].forEach(placeName => {
  .then(response => {
    if (!!response && !!response.results && !!response.results[0]) {
      const searchResult = response.results[0];

      if (!!searchResult) {
          .then(response => {
            const placeResult = response.result;

            if (!!placeResult) {
              places.push({ name: placeName, position: placeResult.geometry.location })


它应该是什么样子才能填充 places 并在填充后使用数组?在使用它之前,我是否必须使用 Promises 来确保它已被填充?



  1. 使用 Array.map() instead of forEach() 将承诺存储在数组中。
  2. 回调到 map() return 承诺(即 axios.get().then() 的 return 值)。
  3. 调用 axios.get() 的响应将有一个包含结果的 data 属性,因此请使用 response.data.results 而不是 response.results
  4. Return再次承诺
  5. 然后在设置了 promises 数组后,可以使用 Promise.all():

    const places = [];
    //1 - store promises in an array
    var promises = ['King Square, London', 'Empire State Building', 'Great Wall of China'].map(placeName => {
      return axios //2 - return promise
      .then(response => {
        //3 - use response.data.results instead of response.results
        if (!!response && !!response.data && !!response.data.results && !!response.data.results[0]) {
          const searchResult = response.data.results[0];
          if (!!searchResult) {
            return axios //4 return nested promise
              .then(response => {
                const placeResult = response.data.result;
                if (!!placeResult) {
                  places.push({ name: placeName, position: placeResult.geometry.location });
    //5 - After promises are done, use the places array
    Promise.all(promises).then(results => {
        console.log('places:', places);


places: [ { name: 'King Square, London',
    position: { lat: 51.52757920000001, lng: -0.0980441 } },
  { name: 'Great Wall of China',
    position: { lat: 40.4319077, lng: 116.5703749 } },
  { name: 'Empire State Building',
    position: { lat: 40.7484405, lng: -73.98566439999999 } } ]


下面是(客户端)JavaScript 的端口。请注意它非常相似,但使用 Whosebug API(因为那样不会有 CORS 问题)。

var ranks = [];
var promises = [94, 95].map(badgeId => {
  return axios.get(`https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/badges/${badgeId}?site=Whosebug&order=desc&sort=rank&filter=default`)
    .then(response => {
      var responsebadgeId = response.data.items[0].badge_id;
      return axios.get(`https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/badges/${responsebadgeId}/recipients?site=Whosebug`)
        .then(response => {
          console.log('pushing rank into array from data: ',response.data.items[0].rank);
Promise.all(promises).then(responses => {
  console.log('promises all callback - ranks:',ranks);
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/axios/0.16.2/axios.min.js"></script>