在 VPython 中同时以不同的速率旋转多个对象
Rotate multiple objects at different rates in VPython at the same time
"Using the facilities provided by the visual package, create an animation of the solar system that shows...Sun and planets as spheres in their appropriate positions and with sizes proportional to their actual sizes...and motion of the planets as they move around the Sun (by making the spheres of the planets move)."
通过使用 table 中给定的值创建一些数组(加上选择一个常数以使行星在给定比例下可见)并创建一个球体数组,我能够很好地完成第一部分.
我挂的是动作部分。我可以让所有行星同时以相同的 angular 速度旋转。或者我可以让所有行星以不同的速度旋转(与给定的周期成正比),但一次只能旋转一个。有没有办法让动画在 VPython 中同时发生?我正在使用 VPython 6.11 和 Python 2.7.13。下面的代码(这是以不同速率顺序运行它们的版本)。
from visual import sphere,rate,color
from math import cos,sin,pi
from numpy import arange,array,empty
s0 = sphere(radius=45e6,pos=[0,0,0],color=color.yellow)
#Given Data
r = array([57.9e6,108.2e6,149.6e6,227.9e6,778.5e6,1433.4e6],int)
r_plan = array([2440,6052,6371,3386,69173,57316],int)
r_plan = r_plan*3000 #adjusting scale
period = array([88.0,224.7,365.3,687.0,4331.6,10759.2],float)
period = (88.0/period)*.8 #adjusting scale
s = empty(6,sphere)
#Creating the planets
for n in range(6):
s[n] = sphere(radius=r_plan[n],pos=[r[n],0])
#Prettifying the different planets
s[0].color = color.magenta
s[2].color = color.green
s[3].color = color.red
s[4].color = color.cyan
s[5].color = color.blue
#Orbital Motion
for n in range(6):
m = period[n]
for theta in arange(0,10*pi,m):
x = r[n]*cos(theta)
y = r[n]*sin(theta)
s[n].pos = [x,y]
#Orbital Motion
for frame in range(1000):
for n in range(6):
theta = period[n] * frame
x = r[n]*cos(theta)
y = r[n]*sin(theta)
s[n].pos = [x,y]
for frame in range(1000):
for n in range(6):
theta = angular_speed[n] * frame
"Using the facilities provided by the visual package, create an animation of the solar system that shows...Sun and planets as spheres in their appropriate positions and with sizes proportional to their actual sizes...and motion of the planets as they move around the Sun (by making the spheres of the planets move)."
通过使用 table 中给定的值创建一些数组(加上选择一个常数以使行星在给定比例下可见)并创建一个球体数组,我能够很好地完成第一部分.
我挂的是动作部分。我可以让所有行星同时以相同的 angular 速度旋转。或者我可以让所有行星以不同的速度旋转(与给定的周期成正比),但一次只能旋转一个。有没有办法让动画在 VPython 中同时发生?我正在使用 VPython 6.11 和 Python 2.7.13。下面的代码(这是以不同速率顺序运行它们的版本)。
from visual import sphere,rate,color
from math import cos,sin,pi
from numpy import arange,array,empty
s0 = sphere(radius=45e6,pos=[0,0,0],color=color.yellow)
#Given Data
r = array([57.9e6,108.2e6,149.6e6,227.9e6,778.5e6,1433.4e6],int)
r_plan = array([2440,6052,6371,3386,69173,57316],int)
r_plan = r_plan*3000 #adjusting scale
period = array([88.0,224.7,365.3,687.0,4331.6,10759.2],float)
period = (88.0/period)*.8 #adjusting scale
s = empty(6,sphere)
#Creating the planets
for n in range(6):
s[n] = sphere(radius=r_plan[n],pos=[r[n],0])
#Prettifying the different planets
s[0].color = color.magenta
s[2].color = color.green
s[3].color = color.red
s[4].color = color.cyan
s[5].color = color.blue
#Orbital Motion
for n in range(6):
m = period[n]
for theta in arange(0,10*pi,m):
x = r[n]*cos(theta)
y = r[n]*sin(theta)
s[n].pos = [x,y]
#Orbital Motion
for frame in range(1000):
for n in range(6):
theta = period[n] * frame
x = r[n]*cos(theta)
y = r[n]*sin(theta)
s[n].pos = [x,y]
for frame in range(1000):
for n in range(6):
theta = angular_speed[n] * frame