从 Ruby TCPSocket 上的 HTTP 连接中提取 uri 参数

Extract uri parameters from a HTTP connection on a Ruby TCPSocket

我的第一个问题...所以要温和 :D


server = TCPServer.new('localhost', 8080)
loop do
    socket = server.accept
    # Do something with the URL parameters
    response = "Hello world";
    socket.print response

关键是我希望能够检索是否在 HTTP 请求的 URL 中发送了任何参数。



curl http://localhost:8080/?id=1&content=test    


{id => "1", content => "test"}    

我一直在寻找 CGI::Parse[1] 或类似的解决方案,但我还没有找到从 TCPSocket 中提取数据的方法。

[1] http://www.ruby-doc.org/stdlib-1.9.3/libdoc/cgi/rdoc/CGI.html#method-c-parse

仅供参考:我需要一个最小的 http 服务器来接收几个参数,并希望避免使用像 Rack 这样的 gems and/or 完整 HTTP wrappers/helpers。



https://practicingruby.com/articles/implementing-an-http-file-server 中有更完整的服务器代码解释。

require "socket"

server = TCPServer.new('localhost', 8080)
loop do
    socket = server.accept
    request = socket.gets

    # Here is the first line of the request. There are others.
    # Your parsing code will need to figure out which are
    # the ones you need, and extract what you want. Rack will do
    # this for you and give you everything in a nice standard form.

    paramstring = request.split('?')[1]     # chop off the verb
    paramstring = paramstring.split(' ')[0] # chop off the HTTP version
    paramarray  = paramstring.split('&')    # only handles two parameters

    # Do something with the URL parameters which are in the parameter array

    # Build a response!
    # you need to include the Content-Type and Content-Length headers
    # to let the client know the size and type of data
    # contained in the response. Note that HTTP is whitespace
    # sensitive and expects each header line to end with CRLF (i.e. "\r\n")

    response = "Hello world!"

    socket.print "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" +
                 "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n" +
                 "Content-Length: #{response.bytesize}\r\n" +
                 "Connection: close\r\n"

    # Print a blank line to separate the header from the response body,
    # as required by the protocol.
    socket.print "\r\n"
    socket.print response