为什么在我修改克隆的 obj 时 obj 会发生变化(使用 {...})?

Why the obj is being mutated when I am modifying the cloned obj ( using {...})?


var d =  { 
    "f": 3


var t = {...d}
t.e._f = 4

为什么对象 d 被突变为

  "e": Object {
    "_f": 4,
    "f": 3

你正在做浅拷贝。 {...d} 等同于 Object.assign({}, d),后者又将属性复制到 one 层深。 Docs.

For deep cloning, we need to use other alternatives because Object.assign() copies property values. If the source value is a reference to an object, it only copies that reference value.

所以 t.e === d.e 引用同一个对象。