Azure DSC - 使用 SAS 从存储帐户复制文件 - 错误 "Relative path is not supported"

Azure DSC - copying files from Storage Account with SAS - error "Relative path is not supported"

当我尝试使用 DSC 将网站(即使是单个文件)复制到 VM 时,配置如下:

    File WebSiteContent {
        Ensure = "Present"              
        SourcePath = ""
        DestinationPath = "C:\inetpub\backend\app_data" 
        Type = "Directory"


[ERROR] Relative path is not supported. The related file/directory is: \r\n


您需要使用 xPSDesiredConfiguration 模块中的 xRemoteFile

    File SetupDir {
        Type            = 'Directory'
        DestinationPath = 'c:\Setup'
        Ensure          = "Present"    

    xRemoteFile SQLServerMangementPackage {  
        Uri             = ""
        DestinationPath = "c:\Setup\SSMS-Setup-ENU.exe"
        DependsOn       = "[File]SetupDir"
        MatchSource     = $false