vb.net pRO 2017 无法使用具有名为 'WriteOnly' 的函数的 DLL 构建,该函数是 VB 保留字

vb.net pRO 2017 cannot build with a DLL that has function named 'WriteOnly' which is VB reserved word


我需要连接到一个 DLL(来自 Inheco.com 的 InhecoMTCdll.DLL),该 DLL 在其 API 中公开函数名称 'WriteOnly()',这是一个 VB.NET 保留字。
那么问题是当我声明 API.

时,我的 VB.NET windows 表单应用程序出现构建错误

有没有办法解决这个问题?我没有 DLL 的源代码。我尝试用 JetBrains dotPeek 反编译,但看不到如何重新编译。

API 共 InhecoMTCdll.DLL .....................

public int FindTheUniversalControl(

int ID);
public void WriteOnly(string msg);
public string ReadSync();

我在 VB.NET Pro 2017 windows 应用程序中声明 API....

Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices

Module Inheco_Thermoshake_interface

    Public Class NativeMethods

        ' Function within DLL:  
        ' Public int FindTheUniversalControl(int ID);
        ' which corresponds to VB.NET declaration:
        Public Shared Function FindTheUniversalControl(ByRef ID As Int32) As Int32
        End Function

        ' Need to re-program DLL with Inheco_WriteOnly because WriteOnly is VB keyword.
        ' public void WriteOnly(string msg);
        Public Shared Sub WriteOnly(ByRef msg As Byte())  <<<<<<< BUILD ERROR: "KEYWORD IS NO VALID AS AN IDENTIFIER"
        End Sub

        '  public string ReadSync();
        Public Shared Function ReadSync() As Byte()
        End Function

    End Class
End Module

您可以使用 VB.Net 中的保留字作为函数名和变量名,但要用方括号将其括起来。例如:

Public Shared Sub [WriteOnly](ByRef msg As Byte())